

Best Answer

Call 911, or tell someone at school, such as a trusted teacher or the principal. Do it now!


well first off let me tell you, im 17 && jamaican-Canadian. I have never personally been abused in any shape, way or form, by my parents, relatives or friends or anyone. but my cousin has, by my other cousin. he was abused by his father, and his father encouraged him into abusing her. 20-odd years later, she comes out and is presently taking him to court. now we want to stop any kind of abuse inflicted on kids by anyone, so here are some obvious ways, some may be drastic, or just the regular ones you hear from the school.

alright so number one, talk with an adult you trust, i suggest your favorite teacher, and if your of age to work, maybe your boss. these people are there for a reason, and that's to help you :)

secondly, have you or who ever is being abused ever thought of calling a children's help line?? ive done it for my friend a few years back and they gave me alot of tips on how to report being abused, complete with a list of numbers to call :D

thirdly, get out! honest to god, if the abuse has been going on for years, get the hell outt!!!!! no child deserves this, if you feel, honestly that there is no one you can trust. . .go to the police, they are everyones last resort when they should be the first. just pack up some of your stuff, and go to your local police department, ask to speak with an officer, and tell him/her whats going on.

now i don't recommend calling the offender out, and threatening to go to the police, and if you have no proof and they can't do anything a bout it, call children's aid, if they feel (and trust me they always feel theres a problem) theres a problem, they will head over right away. and if not they might even just pop by unexpectedly, my teachers wife does that for a living and has help many kids outt of horrible situations.

these are simple and obvious ways to report abuse. and i hope to god that you, or who ever is being abused, hurries up and reports it! this is important, kids shouldn't have to deal with this kind of b.s. . .it's not right,

anywayss i do realize this ANSWER is quite long, but yeah i said what i had to say. i hope you get out of there fast, tonight if you have to. . .just do it, please don't wait any longer.

hello everyone. i am 11 and was not harmed in anyway,but if ur being abused for example my friend makayla, then dial 911 because its a very short number to dial and most children know this. abuse is wrong and if u are get out tell someone about it, like a realitive or a teacher or close friend. but that's my info, hopefully if u are getting abused it will stop after these tips!

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Q: How can you report being abused by your parents but your to afraid to?
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