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Experts agree that by leaving the rainforests intact and harvesting it's many nuts, fruits, oil-producing plants, and medicinal plants, the rainforest has more economic value than if they were cut down to make grazing land for cattle or for timber.

The latest statistics show that rainforest land converted to cattle operations yields the land owner $60 per acre and if timber is harvested, the land is worth $400 per acre. However, if these renewable and sustainable resources are harvested, the land will yield the land owner $2,400 per acre.

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Q: How can you make money from the rainforests without cutting down the trees?
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Who are cutting down the rainforests and why?

People Are Cutting Down The Rainforests Because They Only Care About There Money And The People Who Cut Down Trees Which Are In Good Condition Do These Things Because They Dont Care About The Animals In The Rainforest Or Its Envioroment

What can you do to protect the rainforests?

Stop cutting down trees

Why are the rainforests important for trees?

trees are the rainforests

Is cutting down trees good for money?

Yes but not for the trees and environment

How do you solve problems associated with climate of tropical rainforest?

Rainforests can be saved by keeping humans from cutting down trees. Protect the rainforests by staying out of them. Plant trees in areas where trees have been taken out.

List three ways rain forests are used and two ways they are threatened?

Three ways rainforests are used are the plants are used to make medicines, plants are used to make food, and trees are used for their wood. Two ways rainforests are threatened is that people are cutting down the trees to make room for cities and cutting the trees down to sell the wood.

Why are the Earth's rainforests important to humans?

Rainforests can be said to be the largest collection of trees on Earth. Without rainforests, there would be a significant drop in the number of trees and greenery. Without these trees, global warming will start to take its toll on us as carbon dioxide is not replaced by oxygen during photosynthesis and leaving a huge amount of carbon dioxide in the air.

HOW is the rainforest being destroyed?

The rainforest is being destroyed primarily through deforestation, which includes clearing land for agriculture, logging, mining, and infrastructure development. Climate change is also contributing to the destruction of rainforests through increased instances of wildfires and other extreme weather events. Additionally, unsustainable practices such as illegal logging and land grabbing are major factors in rainforest destruction.

Do rainforests have broad-leaved trees?

Yes, rainforests have broad-leaved trees.

Why are rainforests endangered?

The reason Rainforest are endangered is because people are cutting down trees and are making it so animals have no where to live.

Do Latvia have rainforests?

No, we have only trees like pine trees, oak, linden trees and many others. So, no rainforests

Find three problems facing rainforests today which do you think is the biggest problem why?

People are cutting down trees it is losing the pretty sights and oxygen