It can really affect a person. When people in office daily discuss you home activities, are involved in hacking and ransacking, then you tend to lose respect for the bunch of people.
In my case when I was new, very regular and punctual for the first six months (did not take a single leave apart from the sick leaves). I found my folders of database deleted. my files missing, being part of gossips by my immediate seniors.
There were two sided people, I was made to write view-point, it was appreciated by the people who do proof reading. Then the same people told my PM that its not up-to the mark while they told me that its one of the best they have ever seen and PM is indifferent to create differences.
I did changes for 79 times in one view point, where I was told that it will be published by eow, but the Friday never came.
Meeting are called to tell me I am at risk and I should leave the city asap, but when I have police protection, they tell my leave because performance is not upto the mark.
I deactivate 2567 news and deals, show them to my lead, next they reappear, (telling me that you have not done it properly when the last time it was showing deactivated successfully). People saw it happening.
Suddenly 2 plants with 0 capacity in 10000 plants are blamed on me, when I checked properly, now when I ask for it they say it had been corrected.
I am told that key field completeness is not done , when its reflecting 85% from 62% on galaxy.
My view points are never published and people ask me for parties when they will be published this friday, while these people show me their view points on galaxy (each word and entire phrases are copy pasted)
This is work place bullying, allegations which cannot be proved.
In the work place and in schools everywhere to some degree. it can also take place at home
If you suspect there to be bullying in the work place you should contact the human resources department at your place of work. They will listen to your suspicion and possibly start an investigation.
If someone is bullying you so badly that it messes with your work you should just block them or ignore them. Its online, you have the power to not see them.
the weaknesses of bullying is by person get more jealousy and insecure to one kind of person..some of man or woman ,doing that habit by bullying other people and they cannott work harder they situation!!.
It may affect people who are being cyber bullied so their can't think probably so their don't work as well.
Speak to a supervisor - or someone higher in the organisation. Write an anonymous letter if necessary !
Factors that may affect the rights of individuals in a work place include an unsafe work environment, violence in the workplace, and a stressful work environment.
Work place bullying most closely resembles interactional justice which is the degree to which an individual is treated with dignity, concern and respect.
Say the person next to you is bullying me?
division of work
talk to your boss about it
The most common questions asked about Bullying are: "What is school bullying? What are the consequences of school bullying? What can a school community do about bullying? What can teachers do about classroom bullying? What can students do about school bullying? What can parents of young children do about school bullying? What can parents of teens do about school bullying? What can community partners do about school bullying? How can a caring adult work with a bully? How can a school community promote an anti-bullying climate? What is cyber bullying? What can parents do to promote safe use of the internet?"