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Q: How can we show the trends of our fossil fuel consumption and supply?
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Which form of fossil fuel has the longest lasting supply left?

Coal is generally considered to have the longest lasting supply of fossil fuel left due to its abundant reserves worldwide. However, the longevity of coal as a fuel source also depends on factors such as consumption rates, technological advancements, and environmental regulations.

Why is there likely to be fossil fuel crisis sometimes?

because their resources are limited and fossil fuel consumption rate is higher than their possible production rate.

How long does a fossil fuel last?

Fossil fuels are nonrenewable resources, meaning they are finite in supply and will eventually run out. The length of time it takes for fossil fuels to be depleted depends on various factors such as consumption rates, reserves, and advancement of alternative energy sources. It is estimated that at current consumption rates, fossil fuels could last for several decades to several hundred years.

Why not to use fossil fuel oil?

Finite supply/non renewable

How do war effect fossil fuels?

war doesn't effect fossil fuels , but it does effect fossil fuel prices when a country that has large amount of fossil fuel reserves is politically unstable it will reduce the amount of fossil fuels that can be delivered from it , there by increasing the price since the law of supply states that the lower the supply the higher the price

When will fossil fuel reserves run out?

It is difficult to predict exactly when fossil fuel reserves will run out as it depends on factors such as consumption rates, technological advancements, and new discoveries. However, some estimates suggest that certain fossil fuel reserves, like oil and natural gas, may deplete within the next century if current consumption rates continue.

What would likely extend the Earth's supply of a non-renewable resource?

Moving to renewable energy for electricity would extend the Earth's supply of the fossil fuel oil.

Why is America one of the leaders in fossil fuel consumption?

America is a big consumer society with a large population.

When do analysts predict fossil fuel consumption will begin to decline?

It already has started declining, that's why the price has collapsed.

What natural resources are used to supply energy?

Fossil fuel, the wind, the Sun, hydro and biomass

Do hybrid cars emit co2?

Yes, they are still using fossil fuel as the energy supply

What general statement can you make about the supply of fossil fuel?

running out... :( use hemp oil.. legalize it