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Q: How can a community contribute to the holistic development of learners?
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How is student accommodation important to their learning?

It allows those learners to be sited near to their learning facilities, allow for community development

Evaluate the extent to which the Competency Based Curriculum has incorporated the national goals of education, 21 st Century skills Strategic Development Goals to enhance the development of holistic learners. (7mks)?

The Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) was introduced in Uganda in 2015. It was designed to replace the previous National Curriculum Framework (NCF) which was felt not to be achieving the desired outcomes in terms of quality education. The National Development Goals (SDGs) were set by the Government of Uganda in 2015 as part of its commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The SDGs are a collection of 17 global goals set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015. The Competency Based Curriculum was designed to address some of the shortcomings of the NCF and to help Uganda reach the SDGs. One of the major goals of the CBC is to promote holistic development of learners. This is in line with Goal 4 of the SDGs which calls for inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. The CBC emphasizes the acquisition of skills and knowledge that will enable learners to be responsible and productive citizens. This is in line with Goal 16 of the SDGs which calls for peace, justice and strong institutions. The CBC has been successful in incorporating the national goals of education and the SDGs. It has helped to improve the quality of education in Uganda and has contributed to the development of holistic learners.

What is the motto of Torpoint Community College?

The motto of Torpoint Community College is 'Inspiring Optimistic Learners'.

What are the stages of morphological development for esol learners?

The stages of morphological development for ESOL learners typically include the emergence stage, where learners begin to produce and understand basic morphological structures; the development stage, where learners expand their knowledge and use of morphological rules and patterns; and the mastery stage, where learners demonstrate advanced proficiency in applying morphological rules accurately and fluently in their language use. It is important for teachers to provide appropriate instruction and practice opportunities to support learners as they progress through these stages.

What is Quinebaug Valley Community College's motto?

Quinebaug Valley Community College's motto is 'Learners First'.

What is Holistic Approach in ELT?

A holistic approach in English Language Teaching (ELT) emphasizes addressing learners' cognitive, emotional, and social needs to support well-rounded language development. It involves integrating language skills, cultural understanding, and critical thinking in a cooperative learning environment. This approach considers the whole learner, promoting personal growth and meaningful connections to language use beyond the classroom.

What is Carter Community School's motto?

Carter Community School's motto is 'Successful Learners - Confident Individuals - Responsible Citizens'.

What is Ames Community School District's motto?

Ames Community School District's motto is 'The mission of the Ames Community Schools is to ensure that all learners develop the'.

What is the Philosophy behind Revised Basic Education Curriculum?

The philosophy behind the Revised Basic Education Curriculum focuses on holistic development, learner-centeredness, and the integration of 21st-century skills. It aims to prepare students to be critical thinkers, problem solvers, and lifelong learners who can adapt to a rapidly changing world. The curriculum also emphasizes the importance of inclusivity, sustainability, and the promotion of values that contribute to the betterment of society.

What is the motto of Varina High School?

Varina High School's motto is 'A Community of Learners'.

What coul future learners have as an advantage to present learners?

the most valuable advantage of the future learners is that they can encounter modern high-technology, newer references and books that may serve as their guide for the development and fulfillment of their objective in life.

What could future learners have as an advantage present day learners?

the most valuable advantage of the future learners is that they can encounter modern high-technology, newer references and books that may serve as their guide for the development and fulfillment of their objective in life.