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they help them get the oil of of them by washing them with a special kind of soap

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By buying dawn dish soap!

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Q: How are people helping animals after oil spills?
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How are people helping animals about oil spills?

i want to know someone reply

Why are oil spills bad thing?

oil spills are bad becaus they can kill animals and the oils are harmful to people

How do people adapt to oil spills?

By seeing a lot of oil spills

Do oil spills kill animals?


Oil spills are not harmful to animals?


How can oil spills be damaging?

Oil spills in the ocean can cause animals to be harmed because they become coated with oil and so does their food.

How do the oil spills affect the animals?

Oil spills can poison animals. It also can affect the internal temperature of the animal. Oil also smothers some animals.

How do oil spills effect the environment?

Oil can kill millions of animals and plants. Oil spills need to be cleaned up as quickly as possible.

What is a negative effect of space travel on animals?

oil spills

Why are oil spills a problem to the environment?

Oil spills are huge problems to the environment. The obvious one is that the oil and slick can harm marine life as well as birds who simply land to get their food. This causes death to animals, dirtying our waters, ruining the eco system, and ruining some of the food chain. The oil spills, if they reach land, can get into the wildlife and plants of the region. If the plants get oil into their roots they will die. Oil spills pose a great threat to wildlife, people, economy, and plants as well. We have to do all in our power to help animals and wildlife who have been sullied by these oil spills.

What marine animals are affected by pollution and oil spills?

All animals in the area of the spill

Are oil spills good?

yes they help to regenerate the environment by helping restart the circle of life.