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Q: How are centrioles related to school?
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Plants and centrioles?

Plants do not have centrioles.

How are centrioles and centrosomes related structurally?

Centrosomes contain a pair of centrioles that are cylindrical structures made up of nine triplet microtubules arranged in a specific pattern. The centrioles within the centrosome play a crucial role in organizing the microtubules during cell division, serving as the main microtubule-organizing centers in animal cells.

Is there centrioles in bacteria?

Centrioles are in animals.They are not in bacteria.

What color is a centrioles?

Centrioles are typically colorless and do not have a distinct color. They are small, cylindrical organelles found in animal cells, usually appearing as pairs near the nucleus. Their primary function is to organize microtubules during cell division.

Why do centrioles look like churros?

Centrioles are cylindrical structures composed of microtubules arranged in a specific configuration, which gives them a churro-like appearance under a microscope. This shape helps centrioles in organizing the microtubules of the cell's cytoskeleton and facilitating cell division.

Which structures of the cytoskeleton are found In animal cell but not In plant cells?


Do plant's cells have centrioles?

No, plant cells do not have centrioles. Centrioles are only found in animal cells and are involved in organizing the microtubules during cell division. Plant cells use a different mechanism to organize their cytoskeleton during cell division.

What does a centrioles do in a animal cell?

Centrioles basically help in cell division.

Two rod shape bodies near the nucleus?


Do animal's cells have centrioles?

Not all animal cells have centrioles. Centrioles are usually found in animal cells that are actively dividing. Cells that are not dividing may not have centrioles.