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Examples of Deforestation

Tropical countries are the most common victims of deforestation, but also destinations like Indonesia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, China, Liberia, Malaysia, Laos, and Ghana. All of the above have lost large amounts of their rainforest. Madagascar is currently struggling to supply fresh water, food, and adequate sanitation for its rapidly increasing population. The country has lost 95% of its rainforests, which has led to soil loss, desertification, and degradation of water resources.

f) Brazil:

The Brazilian government has reported in 2008 that a record rate of deforestation is taking place in the Amazon. The cause of deforestation in this country is also influenced by commodity prices, including recent developments in agriculture that has seen beef ranches and other crop farms move farther into the forest.

human needs.

d) Water Conditions:

Deforestation plays a role in the amount of water found in the soil, as well as the level of moisture in the atmosphere.

e) Medicinal Loss:

Researchers have uncovered the sources to a wealth of new drugs within forest biotopes located all over the world. With deforestation, the genetic variations (like crop resistance) that scientists would like to preserve are greatly threatened.

f) Precipitation:

The loss of vital trees and plants affect the water cycle in many different ways, as the absence of litter, stems, and trunks of trees all play an important role. With less forest covering the land, the ability to 'intercept, retain, and transport precipitation' is affected. When precipitation is not trapped, surface water transport occurs at a faster rate. Possible outcomes include flash floods.

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Hope it helped.

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