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Bad peer pressure would be helping your friends rob a bank, or doing drugs because your friends do drugs.

Good peer pressure would be helping your friends do volunteer work, or assist the elderly because your friends assist the elderly.

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Q: Examples of bad peer pressure and good peer pressure?
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Why do they call it peer pressure peer pressure?

Peer pressure is when you are pressured by peers (people your age group) to do something good or bad, but people usually think of bad peer pressure when brought up (e.g. being pressured to take drugs).

Is peer pressure good or bad?

Peer pressure can influence you to do either good or bad things, depending on what your peers are pressuring you to do! However, whenever peer pressure is the only motivation for your actions, it's a bad thing because it's preventing you from thinking for yourself and making your own choices.

Why resist peer pressure?

Resisting peer pressure is important because it allows you to stay true to yourself, make decisions based on your values and beliefs, and avoid engaging in behaviors that may be harmful or go against your principles. Peer pressure can sometimes lead to negative consequences if you give in to it without considering your own well-being.

What kinds of peer pressure?

There are acutally 3 types of peer pressure:Direct Peer PressureUnspoken Indirect Peer PressurePositive Peer PressureActually, there are two:NegativePositveNegative has many different sub-types such as:See Numbers 1 & 2 in the above answer (above the line)Positive has the same as Negative.

What is the type of peer pressure?

Well, that's hard to say considering when you hear "peer pressure" it comes off as a bad thing. But the worst I'd probably say would be sex peer pressure, drug peer pressure, and criminal peer pressure (as in breaking the law)

What is the worst type of peer pressure?

Well, that's hard to say considering when you hear "peer pressure" it comes off as a bad thing. But the worst I'd probably say would be sex peer pressure, drug peer pressure, and criminal peer pressure (as in breaking the law)

How can peer pressure be positive or negative?

No, negative and positive peer pressure is different. For example: A teacher or a Supervisor may feel you have more inside of you for doing better in class or at work and will harass you into doing better and that's a good thing, but if someone is making you feel bad by destroying your character; making you afraid or threatened in any way this is negative peer pressure and classified as bullying.

What is a good thesis stament on bad peer pressure?

A strong thesis statement on bad peer pressure could be: "Negative peer pressure can have detrimental effects on individuals, leading to risky behaviors, low self-esteem, and a compromised sense of identity. Understanding the underlying factors and developing strategies to resist negative influences are essential in promoting healthy relationships and personal growth."

What happens when peer pressure turns bad?

you do drugs smoke get high and have sex under the age of 18...good enough for you?

What is the theme of The Dark They Were and Golden Eyed?

Peer pressure is bad

Do people experience good or bad peer pressure more?

It depends on the people you put yourself around. If you're around kids that constantly want to break rules and they're telling you to join in with it that's bad peer pressure, and honestly I haven't ever heard of good peer pressure. I'd guess it would be someone urging you to study for a test or something. I'm not sure, I just know that it depends on the people you put yourself around.

Definition of peer pressure?

What is peer pressure?There are times when your friends have a lot of influence on what you say, do, or feel. They also affect the choices you make. This kind of influence is called peer pressure. It can either be good or bad.Good or positive peer pressure helps you be your best. Bad or negative peer pressure lets you do something even when you think it is wrong. It may sometimes lead you to do something harmful and destructive. Bad peer pressure causes you to take harmful risks.