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Q: Evaluate how disrespectful or violent behaviour towards women affect the society at large?
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What is a good behaviour and bad behaviour?

Good behavior generally involves being respectful, kind, honest, and considerate towards others. Bad behavior often involves being disrespectful, dishonest, mean, or inconsiderate towards others. It is important to strive for good behavior in order to maintain positive relationships and contribute to a harmonious society.

What has the author Katherine Helen Nelson written?

Katherine Helen Nelson has written: 'A study of the relationships between support for political authority, support for sport officials, and disrespectful behaviour towards sports officials'

How would you use disrespectful in a sentence?

His rude and disrespectful behavior towards his colleagues made the work environment tense and uncomfortable.

Is dunce a swear word?

It may show a critical or disrespectful attitude towards an individuals ability

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It is an abnormal tendency towards grand or grandiose behaviour.

What is the book The Decent Society about?

The book The Decent Society is about how people should be treating each other. In The Decent Society, the author goes on to tell people that we should all treat each other with respect instead of humiliating one another. The author also talks about the different ways society can change how people can change from being disrespectful towards one another and how this would improve everyone's lives.

What is meant by appropriate and inappropriate behaviour when interacting with children is this your behaviour or the childrens any help would be much appreciated?

Appropriate behavior when interacting with children involves respecting their boundaries, listening to them, and being positive and supportive. Inappropriate behavior includes being aggressive, disrespectful, or engaging in any form of exploitation or abuse towards children. Both the adult's and child's behavior play a role in creating a safe and healthy interaction.

What is called unacceptable abusive behaviour towards gay and lesbian?

This is called homophobia.

What makes a kitten nasty to some people and not to others?

The human's behaviour towards it.

What are some signs that you girlfriend doesn't love you?

your communication partern or her behaviour towards you.

What are the duties intellectuals towards society?

The duties of intellectuals towards society is to mentor the young boys and act responsibly as they are the reflection of a given society.

Is insult a noun or a verb?

Insult can function as both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it refers to a disrespectful or offensive remark or action. As a verb, it means to say or do something disrespectful or offensive towards someone.