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Burning coal produces CO2 which enhances the green house effect by adding to the green house gases. Overall it causes global warming as more of the suns radiation is being reflected back to earth thus warming up earth

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Q: Environment problems caused by burning coal to generate electricity?
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What electricity generation harms the environment the most?

Burning coal to generate electricity releases the most carbon dioxide of the fossil fuels.

Do refrigerators harm our environment?

yes because it uses electricity and burning electricity harms the environment!

How do burning fossil fuels produce electricity?

They are used to run most of the power plantsthat generate electricity.

Why are there so many coal burning power stations in UK?

To generate electricity.

What produce or makes electricity is to it?


What is burned to make electricity?

Various fuels such as coal, natural gas, oil, and biomass are burned in power plants to generate electricity. The heat produced from burning these fuels is used to create steam, which then drives turbines to generate electricity.

Which type of power station uses chemical energy to generate electricity coal fired or nuclear?

A coal-fired power station uses chemical energy from burning coal to generate electricity. A nuclear power station uses nuclear reactions to generate electricity.

What is coal sed for?

Coal is used for burning to make heat. At home in a fire, at a power station to generate electricity.

To produce or make electricity ___ it?

To produce or make electricity is to generate it. Some of the common ways of generating electricity include using wind power, geothermal energy and burning fossil fuels among others.

Is there anything better than coal to generate electricity?

Yes, of course:Coal is the highest energy resource in environment pollution. Burning coal to produce electricity results in global warming and acid rain.Natural gas is used also in generating electricity. It is less environment polluting than coal.Water falls, wind, solar, geothermal, and biomass are also used in generating electricity. They make no waste, and they cannot be used up.Nuclear energy is very promising, reliable, cheap, and efficient source of electricity generation.

What can a burning coal do for a power palnt?

Burning coal in a power plant generates heat that is used to produce steam. The steam drives turbine generators to produce electricity. Burning coal is a common method used by power plants to generate electricity due to its abundance and relatively low cost.

How can gas create energy?

Gas can create energy through combustion, where it is burned to produce heat that can be used to generate electricity or power engines. The heat from burning gas can also be used to heat water and produce steam, which can drive turbines to generate electricity.