

Best Answer these are some of his famous quotes

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Q: Does desmond tutu have any quotes or sayings?
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What attitude does Tutu express towards white South Africa?

Desmond Tutu not reportedly express any hatred toward white South Africans. In fact, he was a fighter of South African social rights.

What is the contribution of Desmond Tutu to Ubuntu?

Desmond Tutu has not made any contribution directly to the Ubuntu Linux distribution. He is the author of a book detailing the philosophy of Ubuntu, a South African term meaning humanity towards others. The Ubuntu Linux distribution aims to further such a philosophy using Linux.

Did Saint Anthony have any quotes or sayings?

There are several saints named Anthony. Please be specific.

Does desmond tutu have any children?

desmond tutu is not what he say he is , infact he's a lying cheat who just doesnt know his roots , i wont mention my name , for security purposes , but im am actually related to him in some weird way , desmond tutu is a lier he wasnt born in klerksdorp he was actually born in east London and my grandfather who happens to be his brother is a living testimony of his denial to his own family , he doesnt want to know his real family , or rather his immediate relatives because he was a coward by running away from his home in east London , he's been gone for more then 65years and never returned his brother ( my grandfather ) knows the entire story . i would like this message to pass his ears or eyes , for him to come to realization in knowing that he has a family he left in the lerge back home thankyou kindly contact me on 0846628262 for further info regarding this lying man

How did princess tutu get its name?

tutu refers to goodness . so tutu aculy got that name by her goodness way before any of the people met the princess

Are there any websites that feature sweet quotes and sayings?

Unfortunately, I can't offer you a link through this service, however, I can answer your question in the affirmative. Yes, there are many websites that offer qoutes and sayings, for whatever mood or occasion. In addition there are many that will actually email them directly to your inbox once a week or even daily. Good Luck!

What are some roblox quotes?

ROBLOX Quotes are like any Quotes " "

Was there a saint named Desmond?

There is no saint named Desmond recognized by the Catholic Church. The name Desmond is of Irish origin and means "man of the world."

Did viola desmond have any siblings?

yes she had 2

What reindeer will be dressed in a tutu?

Well, I doubt that any real-life reindeer will be seen in a tutu, but I should think if it was in a child's story book or an animation, then it would be Dancer the Reindeer! =)

Can you suggest any sayings on libraries?

Shh, no talking in the library.