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Some people do not get bullied at home. Some people do not get bullied at school. If you are getting bullied at school, tell your teacher. If that does no good, tell your principal. If it is your parents who are bullying you at home, you should also tell someone in authority. There is no reason why anyone should get bullied. Ways exist to stop it. You must let someone know who is not part of the problem. If you tell that person and it does not stop, you must go to the principal. The second time should work. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease."

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Q: Does a person get bullied at home or at school more?
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How often is someone bullied?

People are bullied every day sometimes at night. More times at school.

What are some good questions to ask why teens would be more stressed in school than at home?

ask if the teen is being bullied at school. maybe it is because the teen is at home and with family who love them and at school they are away from that and it makes them uncomfortable.

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no she went to a normal school but she got bullied so she became home schooled by her mom's friend marsha and she is just really good at acting

Which is better for bullied kids homeschooling or public school?

I would personally say homeschool so they won't get bullied any more.

At what age are kids more likely to get bullied?

any age where they are going to school

Why is bullying called a power trip?

The person who bullies feel more powerful than the person being bullied.

Why do some refuse to talk about being bullied?

They are embarrassed or ashamed, the memories are too painful, or they are afraid talking about it will invite more bullying. When you move to a new school, discussing previous bullying can set you up to be bullied. The bullies at the new school may assume that there is something wrong with you if you were bullied in the first place.

What happens if kids don't wear school uniforms at school?

They're more likely to be bullied based on fashion sense, or household income.

Do more kids get bullied online or in a school?

Online. People have a lot more guts when they aren't saying something to someone's face.

How many people get bullied and don't tell anyone?

I will bet most don't say a word. They are afraid that saying so will cause more bulling. Even adults are bullied and don't say anything.

What person was the first to be bullied?

It is difficult to pinpoint who the first person to be bullied was, as bullying behavior has likely been around for as long as humans have existed. However, instances of bullying can be found throughout history, such as in ancient civilizations and in more recent times.