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Q: Does a cut flower last longer in pure water or salt water?
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Does a cut flower last longer in pure water or sugar water?

Yes because it is nutrition for the flower. Florists offer food with sugar and other things to help them last longer. Sugar water does not work for regular plants though. It will clog their roots and stop as much water being absorbed.

How can i make gardenia flowers last in a bowl of water?

As soon as possible while under water cut the ends off (the longer its been since they were cut the more you should remove). add to the water some suger and a drop of chlorine bleach to prevent bacteria growth.

Why pure water is less time to boil than water with salt?

Pure water boils faster than water with salt because adding salt elevates the boiling point of water. This means that it takes longer for the salty water to reach the higher temperature needed for boiling compared to pure water.

Why vase water go rotten and cloudy when they are placed in pure tap water?

You are making flower soup, in a sense, when you place flowers in water. Flower stems are full of organic chemicals that can be eaten by bacteria or fungi, that can decay, that can make water cloudy, etc.

What will be the results if you cross bred pure bred purple flower and pure bred white flower?

I think a greyhound, but I'm not 100% sure.

What does Gwenno mean?

Pure, White flower

Why is pure water pure?

Pure water is pure because it is pure... and because it is pure, it is pure... Got it... What sought of question is that?

What kind of water freeze faster than any type of water?

Pure water. Anything you add to the water will depress the freezing point thus making it take longer to freeze.

Can we survive by only drinking pure water?

Many people in the world do not have access to clean water, and virtually no drinking water is absolutely "pure." But cleaner water usually results in fewer health problems. Humans can live longer without food than they can without water, but water itself has no nutritive value.

Why does pure water take longer to cool than salty water?

Salt, if you put it on ice, melts the ice. So that probably what is causing it not to freeze as fast.

What is the flower stands for pure beauty?

That would be a White Rose

What is ice point?

'Ice' is the common name for the solid phase of water. When it is no longer solid, it is still water,but it is no longer referred to as 'ice'.The boiling point temperature of pure water at sea level pressure is 212 F, 100 C, 283.15 K.