

Best Answer
  • The rate of bullies in school becoming criminals later in life is low. Many bullies that become adults generally forget that they were ever bullies and forget all about their victims. Some bullying's that were brought up in a poor environment are more likely not to do well in school; may drop out of school; join gangs; may be in trouble with the law and are angry at society in general.
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Q: Do bullies become crimminals later in life?
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What happens to bullies later in life?

I think that most bullies will eventually arrive in jail. or at least try to become a better person. Realistically, they will either encounter someone they are unable to bully and take a beating or they may mature and realise the error of their ways.

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No. There are bullies in all walks of life and religions, but the majority of people are not bullies, and that would be the case in Ireland and in America.

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No, some bullies bully just because they have nothing better to do then make someones life a living-hell ! Or some bullies bully to get there angry out. I think bullies should take consoling so that way they will be better and won't have to take there angry out on someone else.

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Cause they got no life.

How does a bully become a bully?

They are insecure or being bullied by a family member. Another root cause of bullying is that people become bullies when they need to vent anger, or they have a control-freak personality, and need to control everyone in their life to adjust to their needs. Another reason is because they are assessing their power limitations, and by testing how much power than can accumulate, they know what they can do later in life, hence the subject of how people become bullies.

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bullies like to bully because they dont have a life.

Why do Bullies want to Pick on Kids?

Because they have no life and trive on hurting others

What should you do if bullies tell a victim to end their life?

Tell them to go away, because you are in control of your own life.

How do you get ride of bullies?

If you want to get rid of bullies then just stay close to a teacher, tell a teacher, ask them why they are picking on you because what have you done to them! You can keep living life with bullies but that does not solve anything! Watch what you do maybe you did something that pissed them off so they are bullying you!

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No, they are an insect because later in their life they become a butterfly which is an insect!! I smart!! yay

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They are less likely to become overweight, especially in later life.