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Q: Distrust or dislike of other people or of mankind in general?
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To dislike or distrust other people or mankind in general?


What do you call a person who dislikes people?

A hater To add to the above, a person who dislikes (or hates) people in general, is called a misanthrope. Asocial, antisocial, and sociopath are also words that come to mind. They are called misanthropists.

What is opposite of philanthropy?

The opposite of philanthropy is misanthropy, which involves a general distrust or dislike of people. It refers to a negative view of humanity and a lack of desire to help or support others.

What is the scientific name for people who hate people?

I think the word you're looking for is misanthrope, a person that hates people and human nature in general. This isn't exactly a scientific term. All people, regardless of their beliefs or behavior, are classified as Homo sapiens.

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What does it mean to be misanthropic?

Being misanthropic means having a general dislike, distrust, or contempt for humanity or people in general. It is characterized by a lack of faith in human nature and a tendency to avoid social interactions.

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As a general statement, the question is incorrect and is drawing a stereotype (i.e.: a wide general conclusion not based in fact). Police officers dislike Gays in no greater proportion than that of the general population.

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I think there are people who just dislike internet fandoms in general, as well as others being intolerant of anything viewed as "different" or "weird."

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How many WikiAnswers Contributors dislike the media?

Many people dislike the media. There is probably no particular reason to think participants on this site feel much different than the general population.