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One answer:

While some Republicans like to advance this assertion, the sad truth is that both political parties had members who were involved in the growth of the Klan, and the KKK was soon embraced by influential Republicans and Democrats alike. It is certainly true that many of the original members, including its first leader, Nathan Bedford Forrest, were southern Democrats who were affiliated with the Confederacy and upset that the south had lost the Civil War. But it is also true that some members, even in those early years, were white Republicans who objected to blacks having civil rights. And during the Klan's resurgence in the early 1900s, some of its most devoted members came from both parties; Republicans and Democrats alike joined because they held either anti-black, anti-Jewish, anti-immigrant, or anti-Catholic views; the KKK was thus able to spread out of the south and through the mid-west (and even into some parts of the north).

Another answer:

Definitely not. The KKK has never been tied to any political party, but is today described as a "far right" group (which would tie it to a certain wing of the Republican Party). However, the KKK has, from its beginning, been a racist group with no significant goals beyond extreme endorsement for a particular class of people. It is officially recognized as a "hate group".

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11y ago
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Lvl 1
4y ago
Wrong...the DEMOCRATS were unanimously in favor of the KIK, formed by democrats, and Democrat membership greatly outweighed the minor participation by Republicans..,GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT !
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11y ago

Yes, the early Democratic party was associated with the KKK. However, the early Democratic party was also associated mostly with conservative causes. Many White and Black Republicans were lynched by the democrat party supporters because of their opposition to slavery. Republicans were the abolitionists from the start. They supported and promoted Civil Rights.

This changed late in the 20th century when the Democrats began to espouse liberal values. That happened because the American Communist Party disbanded and transformed the Democratic Party. This change in values also occurred in the Republican party though in reverse. The early Republicans' supported progressive and arguably liberal causes like emancipation and civil rights for African Americans. But then the disenfranchised Conservatives from the Democrat Party joined the Republican Party. Then more of the Klan members were Republicans. In short, the Democratic party during the heyday of the KKK bears little resemblance to today's Democratic party.

As for slavery, only the type of slavery has changed. It was once chattel slavery and forced servitude. Nowadays, it is slavery to handouts, party allegiance, and even corporations. The prison industrial complex is arguably a type of slavery.

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Harford Howell

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3y ago

Uhhh of course they were ... the only folks saying NO are democrats ... lol Joe Biden’s mentor was a kkk recruiter !! Hello...

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4y ago

Founded in 1865, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for black Americans. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders. Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s

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Lvl 1
4y ago
So basically are you saying that the kkk joined the democratic side due to them being against the Republican Party too?

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Lvl 1
4y ago

KKK founder Nathan Bedford Forrest was a confederate cavalry commander and Democrat.

His primary purpose was to defeat the Union army Republicans in the civil war so that slavery could continue. Any encyclopedia will verify this.

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4y ago

In response to the myth below stating that the parties switched, the democrat party during the 1960's held about two-thirds of the Senate and House. In numbers they had the majority of votes in the civil Rights bills which passed. However, percentagewise they failed miserably. While some 98% of Republicans voted for the civil rights laws to pass, only a mere 70% of the Democrats voted yes. Strom Thurmond did switch parties but he is the only known one who did. To say that conservatives switched is inaccurate because there is no evidence to support that myth. In actuality it was the Margaret Sanger and Adolf Hitler admirer, and a democrat who started what is today Planned Parenthood and are still strongly supportive of it today. It was the Democrat party who was in favor of social security and welfare benefits and are still in favor of it today. In actuality the parties haven't changed at all. It is still the Democrat party who is responsible for the black genocide and abortion clinics which is still in existence today. While blacks make up approximately 12 to 13% of the US population they make up some 33% of all abortions performed. The democrat party has been very successful in stifling the growth of the black population in the USA. The Democrat party without doubt walk hand-in-hand with the KKK and their primarily goal to oppress blacks and suppress the growth of the black population today and has been a success with the two of them today as they are still one in the same.

More evidence of this can be seen as we observe the programs which encourage the black population to stay down by handing them enough bread crumbs that they will not want to rise up. Before the Democrat (LBJ) party started giving handouts to the black population black entrepreneurship was at an all-time high. This obviously devastated them. On top of that, if a family has a father in the home he they will receive less money. The families are encouraged to stay separate. Even Barack Hussein Obama inadvertently admitted that without a father in the home the child's destiny is hindered greatly. This works perfectly for the Democrat party (the KKK) today.

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4y ago

Yes is was.

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Q: Did the KKK receive funding from the Democratic Party?
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No, the KKK did not cause the Democratic party to rise in power.

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KKK became obsolete due to the, 1874 Alabama's Democratic Party that redeemed the state from Republican rule.

What effects did the rise of the ku klux klan have on southern politics?

The KKK ensured that the Democratic party would exist unopposed throughout the American south for almost 100 years (the "Solid South").

Who were some people who fought against the KKK?

The democratic party fought against the KKK. There were other parties such as the black panthers, that made a stand against the KKK.

In the image above what group or groups is the KKK threatening?

By 1870 the clan was everywhere in the South as a terrorist organization serving the Democratic Party. The Klan murdered and whipped Republican politicians, burned black schools and churches, and attacked party gatherings.

How did the KKK serve the Democratic Party?

The KKK, in the form of the "First Klan" in the 1800s, served the Democratic Party by persecuting Republicans, intimidating them, killing them, and stigmatizing them. The KKK helped keep the South a one-party ("solid South") region for over 100 years, up until the early 20th century. Many people in the region at that time would only vote for Democratic Party candidates because of this history. In the early 20th century, the Klan sought out bipartisan membership, and this coincided with the Democrat party's becoming increasingly liberal, and the Republican party growing more conservative. Beginning in the late 1960s, conservatives in the South began to vote increasingly Republican because of that party's perceived conservatism. This was reflected in the election results for Richard Nixon in 1968. As of the late 1960s, there is no further reason for the association of the Klan with Democrats.

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After two centuries of supporting slavery, then segregation and Jim Crow Laws and sending card-carrying members of the KKK to Congress, John Kennedy's support for civil rights suddenly made the Democratic party the champion of Black Americans.Please see the related link for a better answer.

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The populist party began in 1892. The Populist Party was a collection of Democrats with an advocate of Democratic Principles. They were formed from the Knights of Labor and Farmer's Alliance as one group. They advocated the public ownership of railroads, telephone lines, etc. They denounced Socialism and called for the KKK.

What political party founded the KKK?

After the Civil War blacks were given the right to vote. Some states did not agree with this and were still succeeded from the Union. These states were mostly in the Southern United States. They were known as the Confederate States of America or the CSA. These states were Democratic states. Within the state of Texas rose this fierce military group that were to carry out the wishes of those in authority of the CSA. This military group was and still is known as the Klu Klux Klan or KKK. The sum of it all is that the Democratic Party organized and formed their own private military group to kill all those that were active in Republican politics, the education of black children and to kill blacks. From 1882 - 1964 the KKK have been responsible for the deaths of approximately 3,500 blacks and 1,300 whites.

A primary motive for the formation of the Ku Klux Klan was?

Primary motives for the formation of the KKK of the 1920s was white supremacy, promoting the Democratic Party, promoting and defending National Prohibition, opposing immigration, and promoting patriotism.

What percentage of Republican Party members are not afraid to identify themselves as Ku Klux Klan?

KKK is a democratic.... not republican. By the way, the answer is none. Please, use something called Google before you ask stupid questions