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Q: Could someone sponsor an illegal alien without marriage?
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Is it illegal to video tape someone without their knowledge in North Carolina?

Yes IT IS illegal to video tape someone without their knowledge in North Carolina?

Is it illegal to record someone without their knowledge in New York?

New York makes it illegal to tape record someone unless one party to the conversation consents. In most states it is illegal to records someone without their knowledge.

Is it illegal to take flowers out of someone else's garden?

If it is without their permission; yes it is illegal.

Is it illegal to record someone without their knowledge in New Jersey?

To tape someone without their knowledge can be illegal depending on the circumstances. It's illegal to record a private act without knowledge or consent but it's legal to record public acts such as speeches.

What states allow marriage to an illegal alien without deporting them?

The United States deport illegal aliens. You could not reveal that he/she is an illegal alien and use a different identity

Is it illegal to tape record someone without their knowledge in Maine?

It is definitely illegal to tape record someone without their knowledge in Maine. This is the case unless otherwise legally stated.

Is it illegal to sale a car for someone without having a sellers license?

No its not illegal. but you should really check with someone before you sell

What is illegal migration?

An illegal immigrant is someone who, without permission, enters a country to live and work.

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is shooting someone illegal? ask a stupid question get a stupid answer

If someone posts a photo on Facebook and you then edit it without their permission is that illegal?

No, I think it's illegal .

If you are living in Minnesota and you are 14 years old and you date someone over 18 but are not having sex with them is that legal or not?

As long as there is no sex, then it's legal. Sex and marriage are illegal with someone over 18, in most states, without parental consent.

Is it illegal for someone to copy your ID without permission?

Yes it is