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If we all litter, the world and oceans will be completely filled with it. It will be unmanagable. Landfills will be filled with items that could have been recycled.

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it affects us and animals

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Q: Could littering affect your community
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What can be an issue in a community?

littering and doing graffiti.

What does dumping of waste and littering affect the marine life?

A animal could eat the waste and think it's food and the animal could die.

What does littering really affect?

Animals, and the environment.

What is communal sin?

communal sin is sin that affects an entire community such lust or littering these sins affect an entire community and sever our relationship with others and higher powers. I am a certified priest so i would know :)

What are the main ways people affect everglades national park?

they affect by the construction.also can affect by littering.

Is littering paper against the law?

Littering paper can be against the law depending on the jurisdiction. Many cities and states have laws in place that prohibit littering of any kind, including paper. Penalties for littering can include fines, community service, or other forms of punishment.

Does littering affect drinking water?

the rubbish can get into our water tanks and can pollute

How people affect the ganges river?

littering. Just 1 simple answer.... littering. apparently some people don't care about the Earth we live on. SAD..... :'(

Does litering affect the weather?

No, littering does not have a noticeable effect on the weather. However it can be detrimental to a localised ecosystem, which could become damaged or completely destroyed if there is too much.

Why does litter affect the koala's habitat?

Generally, no. Whilst rubbish is sometimes dumped in eucalyptus bushland, koalas tend not to come in contact with it. Chemicals would be another matter, as koalas could easily be contaminated by chemicals and poisons as they move between the trees in their home range, which they do quite regularly.

What is the law that prohibits littering?

The law that prohibits littering varies by jurisdiction but generally, littering is prohibited under environmental or sanitation laws. Penalties for littering can include fines, community service, or even imprisonment. It is important to be aware of and comply with the specific littering laws in your area to help keep the environment clean and healthy.

How does disregarding OHS affect the community?

Food poisoning could occur.