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The expression "Pennsylvania Dutch" referring to this group of people is an alteration of the word "Deutsch" meaning "German." The Pennsylvania Dutch are actually as much of Swiss origin as German.

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"Kraut," (pronounced "krowt") is a corruption of the German word "Sauerkraut," which is a popular German dish made from pickled cabbage.

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Q: Corrupiton of a German word used as a term for German immigrants in Pennsylvania?
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Corruption of a German word used as a term for German immigrants in Pennsylvania?

These German Pennsylvania immigrants are called the Pennsylvania Dutch, a misnomer- the German word for German is "Deutsch," but these people were mistakenly called Dutch.

Are the Pennsylvania Dutch really Dutch?

They were German immigrants the term is really Deutsch for German. I understand that the German immigrants that left Germany in the 17th century seeking religious freedom, settled in Pennsylvania and when they were asked where they were from? They answered in German the German word "Deutsch" which means Germany. The English speaking Pennsylvanians understood it to mean they were from Dutch land, where in fact they were saying they were from Germany.

How did the pa dutch receive their name?

The Pennsylvania Dutch got their name from the English word "Deutsch," which means German in German. The Dutch pronunciation of "Deutsch" led to the term "Dutch" being used to refer to the German-speaking immigrants who settled in Pennsylvania in the 17th and 18th centuries.

What was German immigrants daily life before the American revolution?

Most were farmers and a large majority lived in Pennsylvania. The term Pennsylvania Dutch refers to the people who came from Germany and settled in that area. The colonist before the revolution were a mixture of people from various parts of Europe. The first printers were German so many English words today reflect this heritage. Even today there are communities of Pennsylvania Dutch in Pennsylvania. In the late 1800's and early 1900's there was a lot of discrimination against Germans in the United States. In this time use of the German language was outlawed and German citizens were attacked. One man was hung because he was German, but before the revolution the German immigrants had few problems.

What is the Pennsylvania German word for grandfather?

"Großmutter" is the correct High German term for grandmother. But colloquial term "Oma" (grandma) and the diminutive "Omi" (granny) are more common.

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The term for people who move permanently to another country is "immigrants."

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another term for the Amish: Pennsylvania ________.

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How do you say happy birthday Pennsylvania German?

Pennsylvania Dutch (Deutsch) is German. In German, Happy Birthday is said, " Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag" To take a stab at the pronunciation . . . "hairts-leek-uhn glueyk-voonch tsoom guh-BURTS-tok" During World War I, the German immigrants in the US were being picked on because the US were a war with Germany. They started using the term, "Pennsylvania Dutch" so that people would think they were from Holland. ______________________________ -This is incorrect. Pennsylvania Dutch were named this since the 1600/1700s. Our language is a dialect from the Palatinate region in Germany (along with some Swiss influences and other influences). Also, it's Pennsilfaanisch Deitsch (Schprooch). Happy Birthday is Hallicher Gebottsdaag/Geburtsdaag. Dutch, in older English, had connections to nearly all Germanic peoples, especially before Germany becamse a unified nationstate in the 1800s. However, it is correct that Pennsylvania Dutch is related to today's High-German (Hochdeutsch.. or in Pennsylvania Dutch - Hochdeitsch). It is also correct that during WW1, WW2, and even in the colonial days, the Pennsylvania Dutch were not just picked on but faced injustices. Including the government mandate to wipe out our language in the school houses. Edited by an actual PA Dutch who is also familiar with PA Dutch history and language... _____________________________