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Q: Conducts research on the storage and disposal of high level radioactive waste.?
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Who Conducts research on the storage and disposal of high level radioactive waste?


What department Conducts research on the storage and disposal of high level radioactive waste.?


What has the author J E Mendel written?

J. E Mendel has written: 'The storage and disposal of radioactive waste as glass in canisters' -- subject(s): Glass waste, Radioactive wastes, Nuclear facilities, Storage, Waste disposal

What has the author A J Boegel written?

A. J Boegel has written: 'Projected spent fuel storage requirements' -- subject(s): Radioactive waste disposal, Waste disposal, Spent reactor fuels, Storage, Nuclear power plants

What has the author J Mark Boggs written?

J. Mark Boggs has written: 'Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant low-level radwaste storage facility ground-water pathway analysis' -- subject(s): Radioactive waste disposal, Radioactive waste disposal in the ground, Radioactive pollution of water

What has the author William J Weida written?

William J. Weida has written: 'Regaining security' -- subject(s): Economic aspects, Economic aspects of Radioactive waste disposal, Radioactive waste disposal 'Regional employment impacts from nuclear waste storage projects at the Hanford site'

How do you dispose of radioactively contaminated equipment in small quantities?

Radioactively contaminated equipment in small quantities can be disposed of by following regulations set by local or national authorities for radioactive waste disposal. This may involve arranging for proper storage, packaging, and transportation of the equipment to a designated radioactive waste disposal facility. It is important to adhere to safety guidelines and consult with experts in radioactive waste management to ensure proper disposal.

Does creating nuclear energy produce large amounts of radioactive wastes?

Yes, creating nuclear energy produces radioactive waste, such as spent nuclear fuel rods. These waste materials require proper storage and disposal to prevent environmental contamination and health risks. Techniques like reprocessing or deep geological disposal are used to manage these radioactive wastes.

What has the author Orville B Lloyd written?

Orville B. Lloyd has written: 'Evaluation of liquid waste-storage potential based on porosity distribution in the Paleozoic rocks in central and southern parts of the Appalachian Basin' -- subject(s): Evaluation, Geology, Porosity, Sewage disposal in the ground, Stratigraphic Geology, Underground storage 'Preliminary hydrogeologic evaluation of the Cincinnati arch region for underground high-level radioactive waste disposal, Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio' -- subject(s): Groundwater, Radioactive waste disposal in the ground

What is a type of pollution produced by nuclear power plants?

Radioactive waste is a type of pollution produced by nuclear power plants. This waste contains harmful radioactive materials that can remain hazardous for thousands of years, requiring specialized storage and disposal methods.

What has the author M G Raddatz written?

M. G Raddatz has written: 'Information handbook on independent spent fuel storage installations' -- subject(s): Spent reactor fuels, Storage, Radioactive waste disposal, Licenses, Law and legislation

What is the difference comparison between disposal and storage?

Disposal is getting rid of something for good Storage is just storing it away for until it is needed next