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Q: Child labor in victorian times What they did?
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What are at least 5 hardships that child laborers working children faced during Victorian Times?

there are no hardships of labor of a child

What was wrong with childrens working conditions in Victorian times?

It was a really hard time and they had a lot of work to do so there was a lot of child labor...

When was Victorian child labor stopped?

It was around about 1912 or something like that *-_-*

What was it like to be a child in Victorian times?

i dont know i asked u

Why was it important for children to go to school in Victorian times?

Education in Victorian times served essentially the same purpose that it serves today; knowledge prepares people for more productive and better paid careers, and for more intellectually rich and rewarding lives. But we can add that due to the lack of child labor laws in Victorian times, children who didn't go to school were in most cases sent to work instead, which made for rather dreary childhoods.

What was it like to be a working child in the Victorian times?

It was very hard work and if they did it rong they woud get wiped .

How harsh is Child Labor?

well in Victorian times child labor was bad, kids died in factories, lost limbs, and hair. kids chose working over education b/c they thought they would rather get money then get nothin. also the conditions in the factories and mines were taribble air pollution, oil, soot yah i would say it is harsh.

What age could chlidren start working in mills in the Victorian times?

Children as young as 6 years old could start working in mills during the Victorian era. The working conditions were harsh, and children were often employed because they could fit into small spaces and were paid lower wages than adult workers. This practice eventually led to labor reform movements to address the exploitation of child labor.

How old did you haft to be to work in the Victorian times?

During the Victorian era, there were laws regulating child labor that required children to be at least 9 years old to work in factories and mines. However, in practice, children as young as 5 or 6 could be found working in various industries due to widespread poverty and lack of enforcement of these laws.

When did the victorian children stop working?

In the late 19th century, there were changes in labor laws and increased awareness of child welfare that led to the gradual decline of child labor in Victorian England. The Education Acts of 1870 and 1880 also played a role in sending children to school rather than factories or mines.

A British citizen who supported social reform in the Victorian era would most likely call for the government to?

(Apex) Ban companies from using child labor.

What British citizen who supported social reform in the Victorian era would most likely call for the government t?

Ban companies from using child labor