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Q: Can you move out of your mothers home into your grammas if your mother is abusive?
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Helen Keller's mother was a house wife and stay at home mother.

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His father was a banker. His mother did not work outside the home.

When lerma reached home her mothers go use past perfect?

When Lerma reached home, her mother had already gone.

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Roman mothers stayed home and raised the children. They had to do what their mother-in-law said. Women could not own property or inherit after her husband died.

What is the definition of an working mother?

A working mother is a woman who has children and is also employed in a job outside the home. This term encompasses mothers who balance their responsibilities at work with their responsibilities at home, raising their children while also managing a career.

What did Mother Teresa's mother do around the house?

She did what most mothers do - cleaned, washed clothing, prepared meals, supervised her children and home schooled her daughters.

What was Saint Monica's occupation?

Saint Monica was a Christian saint who was the mother of Saint Augustine. She is known for her devout faith and piety, especially in her prayers for her son's conversion to Christianity. Monica's occupation is commonly described as being a devoted wife and mother.

When do mothers go to work?

Some mothers have to go back to work after their maternity leave is finished which can be as short as six weeks. The job that the mother does will depend on her training. Some mothers may be financially able to stay home for several years.

Should mothers stay at home to raise their children?

yes because the mother needs to spend time with ther children. discipline then, learn about then, and nurchuring them the love of a mother is the must valuable. A child cant get a better love then from their mother. No afence Fathers but a Fathers love isn't even as neutering and loving as a mothers.

Can a child leave a foster home to go and live with his or her mother?

YES ... but the child cant just pick up and move in with there Mother or the Mother just cant grab there child and take them home ... A judge has to give the order for the child to return to their Mothers care...

Can you have the bridal shower at the mothers house?

It is in poor taste to have a bridal shower at the home of the bride's mother. The bride's aunts or friends host showers.

Are there any resources for teenage runaways that will not forcibly return them to abusive home?

Interesting question...your question assumes that the runaway is from an abusive home. Please first investigate this carefully. I am the mother of a Bipolar daughter who is a habitual runaway and will tell any kind of lie to stay out on her own. I know many kids come from abusive backgrounds, but many are also mentally ill and have families that love them. Please consider this for your situation. God Bless!