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Yes. Go to the police while you can.

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Q: Can you leave the house if your being abused as a teenager?
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If i get verbal abused and emotionally abused can i leave the house but I'm only 14?

yes. you may. i did.

What did the ghost get for his haunted house?

They were usually abused in the home that is being haunted or they didn't believe in Jesus and died in the home and did not want to leave their home

How do we get a teenager out of the house?

put a dollar bill on the road and let them leave

Can you leave home at the age 17 if you have evidenc of being aboused?

can you leave the home at 17 if you have evidents of being abused

What does the concept of groundation refer to?

The concept of groundation is a slang word referring to teenagers being restricted by their parents. This restriction can involve confining the teenager to their room or not allowing them to leave the house.

How do you cut ties with your abusive family?

Leave, it will be hard. But what could be harder than being abused and staying.

If a Husband absue wife?

He should be arrested, if your being abused call the police.Than pack your things and leave!

Im sick of being emotionally and verbally abused how to you turn it around on him?

Leave and let him find another victim.

What should you do if you r being abused by your community?

Leave. Abuse of any kind is unacceptable and must be avoided at all costs.

You get abused by someone what shall you do?

Leave them and report them.

Can a adopted sixteen year old leave her adopted father and go live with friends?

i don't know but if you are being abused or he is making your life miserable you can call children's helpline and ask about it. Even if your not being abused you can call them and ask about it. The number is 1800 55 1800.

Why doesn't the mom leave when being abused?

stays for her kids. the inviornment is not good for either of them. she needs to go somewhere that the dad cant find her.