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Yes, since so many define the term transgender in so many different ways. If you use it to refer to those who feel uncomfortable in society's gender roles, then you can have this discomfort while living as an ordinary man or a woman.

Now, it is possible to live in such a way where one is gender variant but who is within an acceptable amount of variance. For instance, tomboys are girls who like to do a lot of things traditionally done by boys, and the majority still grow up to be heterosexual and are accepted just fine among other women. In more modern times, there are metrosexuals, and these are guys who tend to care for their appearance more than other men, who might be "softer" in some ways, but may actually be heterosexual and content to be men.

If you consider transgender as something immutable, then a comparison could be made to race. Back during Jim Crow laws, there were African-Americans who were so light-skinned that they could get by with calling themselves white. That was illegal, but it did happen, and you cannot blame anyone for not wanting to be different from the majority if being different means persecution. So then, using this model, there could be a lot of transgender people passing as the gender that correlates with their sex organs.

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Q: Can you be a Transgender while being a regular gender?
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What is the exact definition of transgender?

Transgender, unlike transsexual, is a term for people whose identity, expression, behavior, or general sense of self does not conform to what is usually associated with the sex they were born in the place they were born. It is often said sex is a matter of the body, while gender occurs in the mind.

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I don't think you can actually "turn" transgender. Transgender generally refers to individuals who believe their gender is different to their sex (ie, although they feel they are female, they have male sexual organs or vice versa). Transgender's report having felt differences during early childhood such as wanting their play time to be that of the opposite sex (ie, boys wanting to play with dolls and makeup or girls wanting to play with trucks and cars). They report having felt "different" while growing up, or actually knowing that they were in the wrong body.

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The answer is NO! Homosexual falls in the category of sexual orientation, i.e., what gender does an individual prefer to have sex with. Transvestite is one of many terms in the category of 'gender identity', i.e., which sex do you perceive yourself to be in your brain/mind. Other terms that fall into gender identity are crossdresser and transsexual. Sexual orientation and gender identity are independent things -- and often confused.

What does trans-gender mean?

Transgender is a catchall term for persons whose body is physically one single sex but the gender they have (the mind) may not match the physical sex or be between the sexes (ie., have some aspects of both feminine and male roles). Persons suffering transsexualism go on to have surgery to correct the difference between mind and body, but most transgender persons are able to go without changes and either dress or act in the socially assigned role differently from the body's sex. Those who are preparing for surgery are called transsexuals, not "transgendered", while those who have had the surgery are simply called women or men.

Can a girl get pregnant after having a transsexual surgery?

No. Sexual Reassignment Surgery, or SRS, always comes at the expense of losing the ability to have children. In a female to male individual, his vagina is reshaped into a penis. In a male to female, she has a vagina, but cannot be given a womb, hence, cannot become pregnant. BTW, this is transsexual surgery, not "transgender" surgery, since the surgery corrects the sex and does not change anyone's gender (who they are and the nature they were born with). True-transsexuals are a subset of the Mainstream Community, not the TG nor LGBT community, unless of course they are LGBT after their surgery. Most TGs are not really the gender they seem to present enough to want or need the surgery. See, transsexuals are gender conformists and simply were born with the wrong body, while TGs are gender variant and have no real need to change their bodies. Transgender tends to mean someone is between the genders, while TSs seek to become full members of a single gender.

Is a transgender woman referring to an actual man or woman?

You should consider someone as whatever gender they choose to identify themselves as. If someone who was born a woman identifies as a male, you should consider them a male whether or not they have had gender reassignment surgery.

Is trans female and gay the same?

Not necessarily. Think of it this way. Your body, your gender identity, your gender role, and your sexual orientation are all four different things. Gay means you like someone of the same sex. But not all transsexual nor transgender people have sexual attractions at all. If a person dresses or lives as a woman, it is because they believe they are a woman, not because they want to sleep with a certain partner. While up to 90% of women have sex with men, it doesn't mean they all do, and there is no reason to assume it is any different for transsexual nor transgender women.

Is it good to have a friend while BEING married?

Yes. But it is usually less threatening to your partner if your friend is the same gender as you and/or nonsexual with you!

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What is a transgender?

A "transgender" is a way to say "transgendered person." It is not a term for a "transsexual" person (someone born with the need to get corrective genital surgery). There are various definitions of transgender and they are adjectives: they describe people as in "That person is transgendered." One definition is based on the idea that gender is not black and white, boy/girl, 1 or 0. In this definition, no one is all of anything, everyone is a mix, and there are even times in life where the %'s change based on the need of the individual. Look at prison life: most of the individuals that go in and come out are heterosexual, but while in prison the power struggle and lack of available females apparently cause a lot of homosexual behavior but the basic orientation still remains heterosexual. Transgendered in this case means that a person doesn't think they (or just doesn't) fit society's binary system. In the end, this definition of transgender would explain people's behavior better than the "male/female" only theory. Another definition is someone who deliberately lives in a way opposed to their physical sex. For example, if a person is born with female genitalia and wants to keep it, but expresses and feels that they are a boy mentally, then they are transgender. Transsexual and transgender is not the same thing since the term transsexual is only applicable to those born with a need to correct their genitals, while most transgender people desire to keep their original genitalia. A person is born with transsexualism, and after surgery, they are no longer transsexual, and have never been transgendered. It is a hurtful myth to say that a person becomes transsexual after surgery. The whole idea of the surgery is to stop having transsexualism and to get on with life as if they never had the condition. Transgender usually means someone who born one biological sex, but doesn't feel like they fit into that category, but who rarely get surgery. Transgender individuals usually do not identify with their biological sex. Transgender and transexual are two different categories because most transgender people do not have surgery to physically change their sex. Transsexuals are in the process of physically changing their sex. Transgender has more to do with how the individual identifies themselves (gender identity) rather than biological sex. Another definition is political in nature and refers to anyone who considers themselves as different in terms of sex or gender. Many transsexual persons refuse to be lumped in with the TG Community, but others like nonop TG persons or see political value in working together. The term transsexual relates to persons who have a gender (mental description) that is the opposite of the physical sexual organs of birth. This group is assigning the word transsexual to describe the state of having a gender that doesn't match your physical sex. In these cases, societies believe that gender and sex only come in 2 flavors, male/man female/woman. They ascribe to the idea that there are only these 2 modalities. A transsexual woman is not transgender because she was supposed to have a vagina. She was born with a female brain, and a feminine soul, and was supposed to be born with a vagina. But a typical transgender woman was really supposed to be born with a penis and live as a man, as evidenced by their lack of need for surgery.