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I don't think so. No matter how hard you try there will always be someone to cause havoc and destruction. It's a fact of life.

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13y ago

Only if 'we' all stand together and fight for eachothers rights, then yes 'we' do have a big possibility to gain world peace

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Not through religion, that much is clear.

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Q: Can world peace be possible
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The ISBN of Peace Is Possible is 1557047022.

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Peace Is Possible has 240 pages.

When was Peace Is Possible created?

Peace Is Possible was created on 2006-03-13.

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world peace and security means the protection of the world to maintain peace.

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there is no peace in the world for peace is tantamount of saying that we are perfect... and that peace is in the disposition in the heart are not in the world it must begin in you>>>

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Peace of the world; world peace.

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no because peoples of the world have different virtues and beliefs and most of them are closed minded on what the others say so conflict starts and continuously occurs.

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世界和平 = World Peace 世界 = world 和平 = peace

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World Peace Council was created in 1949.

When was The Promise of World Peace created?

The Promise of World Peace was created in 2009.