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Q: Can people with foreskin use condoms?
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Why do people where comdoms?

The reason why most people use condoms is to prevent them from having babiie's, most likely teens use condoms ;P

What is the main reason for AIDS in the world?

people don't use condoms

What do Catholic use condoms for?

If they are practicing Catholics they could not use condoms.

Did the Washoe people dress at all?

They use cat skin to make clothes and condoms

What did the pope say about condoms?

Recently the Pope has expressed his views on condoms. He has said that in some instances it may be appropriate for people to use them to stop the spread of HIV.Pope Benedict XVI agrees that condoms can be justified to stop the spread of AIDS.

What can people use instead of paper towel?

the last time i checked condoms are very very useful for situations such as these

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If you have an uti can use condoms?


How effective are condoms and withdrawal?

There is no use for withdrawal when using condoms. If you are afraid of the condom being burst then use a spermicide along with condoms. No I have my beautiful baby boy because of the failure of this exact thing...

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Can condoms make you dry?

Yes, it is possible for condoms to make you dry. Condoms can irritate the vagina and cause minor swelling. Some people do not like the feel of condoms and find that it is a turn off for them.