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It also depends on the nature of your boyfriends crimes. So, what did boyfriend do? And when?

But seriously, think twice about even HAVING a boyfriend around your child until the divorce is finalized.

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Q: Can my ex husband keep my child away from my boyfriend if my boyfriend has a criminal history?
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Please don't be a chickenhead and put the child off on your husband,you know its your boyfriends. Just because your still married to your husband doesn't give you the right to do that to him,he can go to court and prove that you and he haven't lived together for three years and the DNA testing of the child wil prove all this. Make the boyfriend be more responsible and be a man and take care of his child. Remember the child support is not yours,it belongs to the child for things she/he needs. And if you receive AFDC,it is also for the child.

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A boyfriend or stepfather has no legal right to the child so no, you can not.

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Yes his name is caseywhich is her husband now-daoquynh29Yes and she already had a child with him

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Child abuse or pedophilia history, or any criminal record.

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of course he can !

How can an ex boyfriend with criminal convictions gain court ordered visitation with a non biological child?

He wouldn't, the issue of incarceration is irrelevant.

If you are getting divorced and you have a child with your boyfriend do you need a paternity test done?

Whose name is listed on the birth certificate? If it is your boyfriend, when you file for divorce, notify your attorney that the child is not your husband's and that your ex will have no legal obligation towards your child. If your boyfriend is not listed as the father, you need, for legal reasons, to have a paternity test done and have your boyfriend legally recognized as the father of your child. Depending on your state laws, if the divorce is not final the husband is automatically put on the birth certificate. So, then yes, a paternity test has to be done to prove to the court it is not the husbands and the boyfriends which will be proven by the test. Also, depending on your state laws then the state will make the boyfriend pay child support regardless if you are living together or not.

Can a mother and her boyfriend or husband file for full custody of the mothers children together that you share joint custody with your exhusband who is the childrens father?

Boyfriend or husband (unless he is the biological father) has no legal right to the child at all. The mother can try to go for full custody though.

If a woman leaves her boyfriend after getting pregnant by him and gets married to another man before the child is born can she come back three years later and get child support if she divorced?

Possibly. Unless they were legally separated or the boyfriend's paternity has been established, the husband is presumed to be the father of the child in question.

How can you get a copy of your husbands criminal record?

Criminal history records are public documents. You may go to your local law enforcement agency and request a copy of it. At the most it may cost you a small fee to cover the administrative costs. It is unwise to rely on private web-sites that advertise this service. Only law enforcement and the courts have access to the nationwide records administered by the NCIC network of the FBI. In the UK, criminal records are not public documents so to find out what information is stored on the UK Police National Computer (PNC), your husband must apply to the ACRO criminal Records office himself. The only exception is if you have a child to which your husband has access to, you may make a request to your local police under "Sarah's Law" and they can then disclose to you whether your husband has any child sexual offences on his record.