Without an environment to support humanity, there would be no human existence. The alarming thing is that humanity is destroying the environment. I leave you to draw your own conclusions as to what this will mean for humanity.
Natural environment is how an are is without human intervention. This includes the type of plants and animals that are native to a certain environment.
No, it's human life that relies on the environment for life. The environment of earth would survive and thrive if there were no humans here. We're the ones who make carbon dioxide for plans and other producers. All animals make carbon dioxide, not just humans. The earth and all it's animal and plant life would do just fine without a single human on the planet. In fact, they would all increase in numbers except for the domesticated animals that rely on humans. They would have to revert back to their wild state...or perish.
You can't live a full and healthy life without a healthy environment.
Environment can be defined as a sum total of all the living and non-living elements and their effects that influence human life.
Human-environment interaction refers to the ways in which people impact and are impacted by their surroundings, such as when individuals alter landscapes through construction or when pollution damages ecosystems.
no ma can survive without water.
Without the atmosphere that we breath, there would be no human life on earth.
Without enviroment our life is like burden.
natural environment,human environment,human made environment.
It shows us how humans interact with our environment and what reaction we have with the environment.
The physical environment influences human life by impacting things like agriculture, architecture, and resource availability. Climate and geology can determine where settlements are located, what types of crops can be grown, and how people adapt to natural disasters. They also play a role in shaping cultural practices and traditions in different regions.