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Q: Can eating polluted fish make people sick?
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Why could eating fish be hazardous?

It depends on the type of fish and the water it came out of. If it came out of polluted water, which is possible when there is an oil spill or radiation gets into the oceans, rivers are polluted with chemical run-offs from agriculture or factories, or water gets polluted from other causes, fish may not be safe to eat. In homes, if fish is stored for too long or is not stored correctly, it might not be safe to eat. Also, heavy metals can be in fish. Any of these causes may make fish hazardous to eat.

Does eating fish make you pretty?

Eating fish as part of a balanced diet can improve your health but it will not make you any more attractive physically.

Why pasig river polluted?

pasig river is bravely polluted because the people in manila make this a toilet bowl i mean The river became the city’s toilet bowl that's why it is polluted.

Are people who eat fish smarter?

Yes because some fish like salmon have Omega 3, also known as brain food. This will make you a lot smarter if you keep eating it.

Are the great lake getting more polluted or less?

Since the clean water act was passed, the Great Lakes have been returning to a less polluted condition. Before the Act was passed, environmentalists had estimated that it would take 150 years to make the lakes habitable for fish again. It took about 15 years. You still ought to think twice about eating fish from the lakes, but the Earth is amazingly resilient if we give it a chance to heal the damage done.

Does eating chicken make you tired?

Eating chicken does not seem to make people tired. However, turkey will make people sleepy after eating a lot of it.

How did the Yangtze river affect the people?

This affects people because people cant drink from the water and if they did it would make them ill as it is polluted

Can water make people sick?

It sure can. If it's polluted with nasty bacteria, or maybe even something poisonous, then it'can make people sick.

Why man become intelligent by eating fish?

Eating fish doesn't actually make you more intelligent. Fish, like Salmon, are high in Omega 3 fats, that support healthy brain development and growth.

Will eating a lot of fish make you spitup?

yes it will because i did it once and it is gross

What are the release dates for Truth or Scare - 2013 Can Eating Fish Make You Smarter 2-19?

Truth or Scare - 2013 Can Eating Fish Make You Smarter 2-19 was released on: USA: 11 October 2013

Eating 1 fish per day is dangerous?

well, it that all you're eating is 1 fish a day? that's starvation. otherwise no eating 1 fish a day with other things and food groups is NOT dangerous. just make sure you get in a variety of other meats too.