No. And the serious side effects will force you to quit and then everything will go back to normal.
Can birth control pills make women more fertile?
Birth control pills do not make your breasts grow.
If by "trust pills" you mean birth control pills, no they will not make you abort.
No, Janssen makes Ortho birth control pills at the time of this writing (2012).
In general, all birth control pills, as well as the patch and ring and the Mirena IUD, make your period lighter.
In theory all antibiotics can make birth control pills less effective. This concern has not been proved.
Hello The only way to make your period arrive earlier than usual for you is by taking birth control pills and by missing some pills or you can miss a period completely by continuing to take birth control pills instead of going onto the sugar pills. But you can only do this when you've been on birth control pills for about two months because the first month will be all over the place. Birth control pills do make your period lighter, less painful and can make your period shorter.
I emailed the Bach Flowers company & the woman who replied said: "The birth control pill will not be effected by Rescue Remedy so please do not worry about taking it."
NOPE- adderall does not affect whether or not you can get pregnant on birth control pills, i.e. if you take adderall and birth control pills you won't get pregnant if you're taking the bc pills correctly. BUT make sure you don't have high blood pressure or problems with circulation or any type of high risk heart or blood problems. I say this because adderall and birth control pills can affect a woman's blood pressure, circulation, heart etc, and bc pills have a risk on the package that says "when taking bc pills (stop smoking) because of the risk of blood clots in women over 35"- pay some attention to the words on the pill packages, they are there for a reason.
Birth control pills can make you miss your period, but I do not think you can loose your baby.
An overdose of birth control pills could cause nausea and breast tenderness. It will not kill you, cause an abortion, or make you infertile.