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well, due to the fact most bullies are not new at their "jobs", it is hard to punish them and make a lasting imprint in their heads of your punishment. their is ways to shame a bully though, but i recommend that you be the teacher, trying to shame a bully as a kid of almost equal age is like trying to put out a fire with a flamethrower, it just gets worse.

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13y ago
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12y ago

Yes, if a person wants to try and fit in they might try and be rude or try and make their frends laugh by being accidently rude. people may take that as bullying and it is in a way, however if the person didnt meen it they havnt done anything wrong.

however, real bullys should be stopped and reports as bullying intentionaly is wrong. if you are getting phisically etc. bullyed then speak up!

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14y ago

yes sometimes bullys bully cause they were bullied first so they think you should feel what they did

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14y ago

no. They bully because they either have hard lives or they don't enjoy you.

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Q: Can a bully be bullyed
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because bullies are jealous of them bullies don't like them, bullies bully them because they are mean, or bullies bully because the girls are uncool

What should you do when you get bullyed?

If you are being bullied tell an adult or parent and ignore the bully. If it continues, basically become stronger and knock them out. Then they'll be scared of you. Simple as that.

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yes.bullying causes stuff like kids to be bullied, and also other kids that bully means that they have been bullyed too

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There are no true statistics because many individuals who are bullied tend to keep it to themselves for fear that the bully or bullies will make matters worse for them.

How can you avoid being cyber bullyed?

Just make sure you are nice on that website. Or not offend anyone then you can become the target of the bully. Stay out of the bullies way and if he/she is mean to you. Report them then tell an adult.

Is bullying behavior a crime?

no it's just not a good thing to do, Bullying is just wrong, lets pretend you are the bully for a second, how would you feal if you where the one being bullyed? I bet you would not enjoy it much. :)

When were Jewish bullyed?

For generations.

What can you do about a bully?

A. you can let your principal know, if its in school anyways. B. you can let your parents know, if you live with them and your being bullyed out of the home. C. you can go online to a website that you can report bullys to, not sure if theres one for everywhere but there is one where i live.