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Yes, but only if girls do not turn you on.

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Q: Are you gay if you have a girlfriend but guys turn you on?
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If guys have lots of sex do they turn gay?

No, in fact it's impossible for a straight guy to turn gay for any reason.

Why do gym guys turn gay?

Nothing can turn a straight man gay. There are gay young men (all ages) in different circles of society, but gym doesn't turn straight guys into gay guys. Gay or straight both deserve the respect they give the other person. It is a fallacy that gay men are effeminate and 'swishy.' Many gay men can be longshoremen; truckers; in sports such as football or baseball and fight in wars just as good as straight men.

Should guys wear lipgloss cus your girlfriend likes it on you?

no because then other people will think your gay

Im gay and the person I love isn't What do I do?

Turn straight and steal his girlfriend.

How do you tell your girlfriend you are gay?

You get as close as you can to her and whisper in her ear "I'm gay." It's easy

Can guys date gay guys?

If they're gay, then sure, why not?

Do guys prefer hanging out with guys or with a girlfriend?

Some guys who have a girlfriend prefer hanging out with their girlfriend depending on their age. Other's prefer their friends and may not have a girlfriend.

Is guys that say you guess gay?

No. Only guys who are sexually attracted to other guys are gay.

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In some cases, guys may want to keep secrets from girlfriends because they value and want to keep their girlfriends. They may be afraid that if the girlfriend knew the secret, the girlfriend would dump him.

What is the sexual orientation of Stan Walker?

No, I don't think so, he used to have a girlfriend so probably not. Guys don't get your hopes up ;)

Can guys have best friend guys and not be gay?

Of course. Some guys are closer to other guys than they are with their girlfriends and are not gay.

Are all the good-looking guys gay?

Not all gay guys are good-looking. Not all good-looking guys are gay. Sorry!