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Q: Are natural gasses a nonrenewable source?
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Is natural gas nonrenewable source?

Natural gas is a nonrenewable energy source.

What is the meaning of 'nonrenewable'?

# That cannot be renewed: a nonrenewable license. # Of or relating to an energy source, such as oil or natural gas, or a natural resource, such as a metallic ore, that is not replaceable after it has been used.

Is natural gas nonrenewable or renewable?

Natural gas is considered a nonrenewable energy source because it is formed from the decomposition of organic matter over millions of years. Once natural gas reserves are depleted, they cannot be replaced within a human lifetime.

What nonrenewable energy source?

nonrenewable energy sources are sources that are depleted sources as fossil fuels (wood, coal, natural gas, and oil)

Is textile nonrenewable?

Textiles are typically made from natural or synthetic materials, both of which can be renewable or nonrenewable depending on the source. For example, cotton is a natural material that is renewable, while polyester is a synthetic material derived from fossil fuels and is considered nonrenewable.

Is natural gas renewable nonrenewable or inexhaustible?

Natural gas is a non-renewable resource. This is because as it is extracted from the source, it gets depleted.

Is coal the cleanest nonrenewable energy source?

Coal is the dirties nonrenewable energy source

Why are oil and natural gas considered nonrenewable?

Oil and natural gas are considered nonrenewable resources because they were formed over millions of years from the remains of ancient plants and animals. The rate at which they are extracted and consumed is much faster than the rate at which they are naturally replenished, making them finite resources. Once these reserves are depleted, they cannot be easily replaced within a human timescale.

Is hydroelectric a nonrenewable source?

no, it is a renewable energy source.

What nonrenewable energy source comes from dead organism?

The nonrenewable energy source that comes from dead organisms is fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas. These fuels are formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals that have been buried and transformed over millions of years.

Who is the Minister of Nonrenewable Natural Resources for Ecuador?

Pedro Merizalde Pavon is the Minister of Nonrenewable Natural Resources for Ecuador.

Is a turf a nonrenewable source?

Yes it is.