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I don't see how that would make sense but it has nothing to do with penis size it all depends how the boy/man grew up

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Q: Are men with big penises are gay?
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Should men look at other men's penises in the lockeroom or touch them?

if that persons gay then yes.

How big are hawaiian men penises are?

No through the amount of swimming and height Hawaiian men have above average penises i know

Is it considered as gay if we talk about penis to other man?

no, it's not gay, men before gay and straight talk about their penises with each other all the time

Do Arabs have big penises?

Most of them do, not only old men, but teenagers, too.

Why do gay guys suck penises?

Gay people suck penises because they don't get same pleasure with women.

Do Dylan and cole Sprouse have big penises?

yes he does its very big i know cuz i sucked it sucked it hard

Do all females love penises?

Yes, however for most men, it's only their own penis that they like. For gay and bisexual men, their interests in penises are broader.

If you like to play with other men's penises and like how it feels in your mouth are you gay?

You are gay if you are sexually and/or romantically attracted to the same sex. That is the only way you can know. If you enjoy doing these things it would seem likely that you are gay.

Do gay men like a big penis more then bisexual men?

I'm gay, and i definitely like a big penis! But the bi guys I've talked to seemed to like big penises too. I think it's about the same. Guys have i lot of testosterone... just like the straight like big boobs, you think gays don't like big junk? i am a gay and a bottom. i will not have anal sex with a man unless his penis is 6 1/2 or larger. i have found that a penis less than 6 1/2 inches cannot reach my prostrate and therefore i am not sexually satisfied. also, there is a myth about black dudes having very large penises. i have had a number of black men and they are no larger than most white dudes. the bottom line is i prefer a man with a large penis.

Are you gay if you like penises?

Males who like penises are probably gay, yes. If they also like vaginas then they could be bisexual.Straight women tend to like penises and gay and bisexual men tend to like them too.yes, if you are A guy and you like guys then you are.f you are a man, you are considered "gay" if you like to have sexual intercourse with people of the same sex. if you are a women and you enjoy sex with a penis, you are not gay you are considered straight unless you also enjoy sex with a vagina. then you are considered bisexual. so in other words, you aren't exactly considered gay if you enjoy penis.

Why do girls have breasts and men have little breasts?

same reason men have penises and women dont, men are attracted to boobs, women are attracted to penises.

Where is jewelery on gay men?

Some gay men wear rings or studs on their fingers, thumbs, toes, noses, tongues, ears, belly buttons, penises, eyebrows and probably a few more places. So,e also wear gold and silver chains round their necks, wrists or ankles. And some gay men wear no jewelery at all.