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Q: Are deer nonrenewable or renewable resorce?
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Which are not renewable are called as nonrenewable resources. Examples are water , petroleum ,etc...

Is a deer renewable or nonrenewable recource?

Deer are considered a renewable resource because their population can naturally replenish itself through reproduction. However, overhunting can deplete deer populations and disrupt the balance of the ecosystem, making it important to manage their populations sustainably.

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Some of France's Renewable resources are Nuclear Energy, Hydro-power energy and tidal power (Europe's biggest tidal power station) France's non-renewable resources are Coal/Peat, Oil and natural gas.

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Coal is a nonrenewable resource because it is formed over millions of years from the remains of plants and trees that have been compressed and heated. Once coal reserves are depleted, they cannot be replenished within a human's lifespan.

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a non-renewable resorce can't be renewed and in the future it will be harder for us to live non-renewable resorces are coal petrleum and natural gas.

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A can is nonrenewable because it is made of metal and metal is a nonrenewable resource. But it can be recycled. It doesn't necessarily mean it is renewable. The simple answer is that a can is nonrenewable.

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