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Although the Church has taken a stance on Gay Marriage and Abortion, the church ultimately does not get involved in politics.

The church feels that Homosexual Marriage and Activity is sinful, so we do not support Homosexual Behavior. One very common misconception about Mormons is that because we are against Gay Marriage that we are "Homophobes" and hate Gay people. This is terribly wrong.

Because the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (The Mormon Church) is a Christian religion, we do not support hate crimes against gay people, and we believe in treating Homosexuals with equal respect.

Just because we hate the sin, does not mean we hate the sinner. As a Mormon and an individual I would hire or fellowship a Homosexual; their sexual preference has no effect on how I might respect or view them.Homosexuals are Children of God just like the rest of us.

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13y ago

Largy I would say that yes Mormons are Homophobic, shunning homosexuals, but this is entirely a cultural view and not based on Church Doctrine.

The LDS doctrine in fact is fully accepting all members of the church reguardless of sexuality. The fact of being Homosexual is Not a sin,

The sin comes in when you actively engage in sexual acts:

  1. outside of marriage
  2. with someone of the same gender

So BEING Gay is not bad, acting on those feelings is.

Gays will not go to hell but they will not have the opportunity to enter into the higher levels of heaven unless the repent of those sins which includes never doing it again.

I am a homosexual Mormon, so i know that it seems like an oxymoron, I can know Im gay, I can accept it, I can love woman as my sisters in zion, I can even share My life with a woman if I so choose, but I cannot act on my physical feelings for her, or express my love need or desires for her in a sexual way.

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15y ago

Mormons are not necessarily "homophobic". "Latter-day Saints", as they prefer to be called, believe in the traditional family. The church has often stated love and concern for people who claim to be gay or lesbian. There may be in some areas members of the church, just like in any other church or people who are in no church, who claim to be homophobic, which technically is the fear of gay or lesbian people. However, the personal views of individual church members does not represent the views of the church itself. The spokesmen for the church are designated, and the statements made by them in regards to the matter suggest nothing more than concern for the welfare of the family, and, according to the church's beliefs, concern for the spiritual well being of what the church affectionately refers to as their gay and lesbian brothers and sisters. Church members are encouraged by their leaders to show love and kindness to all men, including gay and lesbian people, and as a matter of fact, most practicing Mormons are very tolerant and kind, and even have platonic friends who are of such an orientation.

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7y ago

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) do not hate homosexual or gay people. In fact, there are many openly homosexual Mormons! Homosexual Mormons may also be ordained and hold various preaching/teaching positions in the church.

While the Church is accepting of homosexuals, it expects all members to adhere to a Biblical code of conduct - which includes no sexual relationships outside of marriage and no sexual relationships with the same gender. For this reason, most homosexual Mormons remain single, although some have tried marrying someone of the opposite gender. Mormons believe that homosexual sex is a sin, but being physically attracted to someone of the same gender is not.

The Church opposes the legalization of same-gender marriages when it infringes on the religious freedom of those faiths that are unwilling to perform or recognize gay marriages. This has occured in many, but not all, states that have legalized gay marriage. The Church supports legal policies that prevent discrimination against homosexuals incluidng equal housing, rental, and employment policies. Many individual Mormons support gay marriage, and the Church has generally not commented when the laws do not have an effect on religious organizations.
No. They do not.

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15y ago

* nope The LDS community accepts that there are people in that are "Same Sex Attracted", and that it is a proclivity that is a result of factors during upbringing and experience, though there are certain genetic aspects that make it more likely that someone may be influenced toward Same Sex Attraction.

Having SSA or being "Gay" does not prevent someone from having membership or being in full fellowship of the LDS church.

The issues come in when someone with SSA acts on those feelings, having sex outside of marriage, or with someone of the same gender is considered a sin. That person would need to repent in order to continue their full fellowship in the church. Someone who openly lived a Gay lifestyle would most likely be excommunicated from the church if they were not willing to give up such activities.

As LDS we do understand the struggle that the LGBT community faces in gaining not only recognitiion and equal rights, while we support the people as individuals with rights and the right to make their own choices in life. We cannot turn away from the laws of God, which in our understanding state that Marriage is between a man and a woman, and that any sexual relations outside the bonds of marriage are sinful acts.

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15y ago

Rarely - Mormons have an active evangelical program which targets all people: black and white, gay and straight; however, Mormons do believe that homosexual behavior is a sin. They do not believe that homosexuality is a sin, since it is not a choice, but they do believe that it is a sin to have sexual relations with anyone you are not legally and lawfully married to. They do not recognize the legal status of couples of the same gender. All persons who convert to Mormonism take a vow of chastity. That is, they vow that they shall never have any sexual relations with anyone with whom they are not legally and lawfully married. Of course, not all Mormons are equally successful in keeping this vow.

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14y ago

No. There are many members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) who are openly gay or lesbian. The Church sponsers many support groups and other programs for it's gay and lesbian members.

While homosexuals are welcome to fully participate in the Church, the Church expects them to live a celibate lifestyle. The Church views homosexual relationships as immoral, and a Church member participating in the homosexual relationship will face the same consequenses as any other member who commits a sexual sin (such as adultry, incest, or rape) - disfellowshipment or excommunication from the Church.

Learn more about Mormon's views of homosexuality at the "Related Links" below.

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7y ago

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) are taught that all people are children of God and that God loves all people equally, regardless of their race, culture, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Gay people are welcome to be fully-participating members of the Church. However, Mormons are against same-sex relationships. Gay and Lesbian Mormons are expected to be abstinent, forfeiting any chance of marriage and children. Mormons believe that same-sex attractions and inclinations are not a sin, but that same-gender sex is a sin.

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13y ago

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) are taught that all people are children of God and that God loves all people equally, regardless of their race, culture, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Homosexuals are welcome to be fully-participating members of the Church. However, Mormons are against same-sex relationships. Gay and Lesbian Mormons are expected to be abstinent. Mormons believe that same-sex attractions and inclinations are not a sin, but that same-gender sex is a sin.

You can read the Church published support pamphlet for Gay/Lesbian members, as well as visit the support-group website for Gay/Lesbian Mormons at the "Related Links" below.

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7y ago

Most Mormons like gay people, at least in theory. But they draw a distinction between the gay person and the person's need for love and intimacy. Mormons call this love a sin, and choose not to think about the fact that seeking intimate relationships is a huge part of what makes us human. So these Mormons unwittingly claim to love gay people but at the same time hate almost everything about them.

In order for a religious mormon to like everything about a gay person, the gay person must forfeit any opportunity to find love, marriage, and a family of their own, ultimately dying alone.

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