

Best Answer

The watt or joule per second is the unit of power in SI

The formula is:

1 W= 1 N.m = kg.m2/s2

Substituting the values given:



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Q: A person lifts a 10 kg bucket of water one meter in two seconds - how much power is used by the person's arm?
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What are two pairs of action-reaction forces involving a bucket?

When a person lifts a bucket upward, the person exerts an upward force on the bucket, and the bucket exerts a downward force on the person. When a bucket is pushed along the ground, the person exerts a forward force on the bucket, and the bucket exerts an equal and opposite backward force on the person.

Is there any work done when a person takes a bucket to some distance?

Yes, work is done when a person carries a bucket to some distance against gravity. Work is defined as force applied over a distance, so when the person lifts the bucket, they are exerting force over a vertical distance against gravity.

Who is a bodybuilder?

It´a person who devotedly lifts weighs to get more muscular.

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Where can a person go to purchase plasma TV lifts?

A person can go to Best Buy, Walmart, Amazon, or Ebay to purchase plasma TV lifts at cheap prices. You can usually get them shipped to you in the same business day.

What can be the maximum capacity of People in Capsule Elevator?

The range of Bonsdag capsule lifts is from 8 persons for a three-sided glass capsule. 5 sided glass capsule is available for a minimum lift size of 13 persons.

What energy transformations happen when a person lifts a chair?

Chemical energy from the person's muscles is turned into potential energy.

What are vertical platform lifts for seniors?

A vertical platform lift is made for seniors and for handicapped persons in wheel chairs. They provide a great way to get around for persons who once had difficulty!

How do wheelchair lifts work in a car?

Wheelchair lifts in cars are similar to lifts found in homes and other buildings. They lower a platform to the ground, where the wheelchair is placed, then it is slowly raised back up into the vehicle. Some lifts are designed for the person to be sitting on the wheelchair during, while others are strictly for the wheelchair itself.

What energy transformation occurs in a person lifting a chair?

The energy transformation that occurs when a person lifts a chair involves converting chemical energy from the food consumed into mechanical energy to move the muscles, which lifts the chair against the force of gravity.

What kind of car lifts are used today?

There are several kinds of car lifts in operation today. Some of which are two post lifts, 4 post lifts, 4 post alignment lifts, inground lifts, mobile column lifts, short rise lifts, mid rise lifts and home garage lifts.

How are bath chair lifts beneficial?

Bath lifts are beneficial to anyone with limited mobility. A button is pushed and then the seat will lift the person right out of the tub, eliminating strain and possible injury.