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The operation of the natural resource conservation service ( once called the soil conservation service)

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Q: A good example of public-private cooperation in lessening environmental deterioration is?
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A good example of public-private cooperation in lessening environmental deteriation is?

A good example of public-private cooperation in lessening environmental deterioration is the operation of the Natural Resource Conservation Service (once called the Soil Conservation Service). The Soil Conservation Service was established in the 1930s to help farmers correct the problems of soil erosion. Scientists, government officials, and farmers worked together. It is now called the Natural Resource Conservation Service. Low tax rates on gasoline generally encourage more consumption of gasoline. Lax enforcement of environmental protection laws frequently results in more environmental deterioration.

What is the synonym of decline?

comedown, decay, lessening, deterioration, failure, drop

What is One method of lessening the environmental impact of strip mining is to?

reclaim and restore the land after mining operations are completed by replanting vegetation, reshaping the land, and controlling erosion. This helps to minimize the long-term environmental damage and promote the rehabilitation of the ecosystem.

What does HELP stand for in swimming?

H.E.L.P stands for: Heat Escape Lessening Position OR, some people also call it: Heat Escape Lessening Posture

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heat escape lessening posture

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General term that refers to the measurable lessening of the effectiveness of apesticide?

One method of lessening the environmental impact of strip mining is to -?

require that the landscape and vegetation of mined lands be restored

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A decline is a lessening in amount of something.

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lessening, loosening

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principal, lessening, subtraction. detriment