

A defintion of bullying

Updated: 8/19/2023
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12y ago

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Repeating physical (Pushing in hallways, beating up) verbal (name-calling, insults, rumors, most cyberbullying) or psychological (excluding from activities, ignoring) abuse, generally done by peers, always done by someone that knows they are upsetting you, and want to upset you. If the bully is trying to hide it, it's bullying. Another form of bullying most people aren't aware of is knowing who is being bullied, being capable of stopping it, and refusing to do so for no good reason. (Seeing the bully obviously bullying (Physically bullying, telling someone they're an ugly freak, etc) and claiming they didn't do anything, for example).Physical bullying can't be accidental. Verbal bullying if accidental is called teasing. Psychological is generally just cluelessness or, for the second example, 'zoning out'.

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12y ago
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12y ago

In my experience, bullying is one kid picking on another, making him feel bad.

Most of the time this can be resolved by telling the bully's parents about it.

If that doesn't work then you could alwase try a good punch in the nose, just drawing blood is enough to scare them off.

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12y ago

Definition of bullying: bullying is when someone picks on someone that is smaller or weaker than themselves

Facts of bullying:

Acts of bullying are often invisible to adults: parents and teachers are often completely unaware that bullying is occurring

Victims often report low self-esteem, likely because of repeated exposure to victimization

Bullying can have long-term effects on its victims, most bullying is verbal

Bullying is a symptom of bad behavior

Bullying is a serious act that has immediate and long-term consequences for a child who is being bullied

Bullying occurs once every 7 minutes on the playground and once every 25 minutes in the class

Between 10% and 15% of high school students are victims

11% of secondary students bully other youngsters at least once a year

25% of children in grades 4 to 6 have been bullied

31% of students say they would participate in the bullying of a young dislike

64% of kids had been bullied at school. One in seven children aged 11 to 16 are victims of bullying

12% were bullied regularly

64% considered bullying a normal part of school life

160,000 children miss school everyday due to the fear of bullying by other students

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12y ago

My definition:

When one or more people harm, hurt or harass one or more people either physically or emotionally.

Everyone's definition's would be different because it's about what their bully did to them...For me the emotional bit..

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11y ago

Bullying is defined as 'using superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants.'

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