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The power of any group is largely based on the collective power of its members. The membership of the Masonic fraternity is very large, and many of them have been influential men.

In reality, however, Freemasons have no more power than do Baptists, Democrats, or any other large group of people. Although many prominent and "powerful" men have been Freemasons, their membership in that fraternity really had no more influence on their gaining that position than did their religion or political affiliation, and perhaps, even less.

It should also be noted that most regular Masonic jurisdictions have rules which prohibit power brokering and/or giving members special advantage outside of the lodge. Freemasons are also not bound to obey their leaders outside of Masonic matters, particularly in regard to politics.

All in all, the influence and supposed "power" of the fraternity is much more myth than fact.

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13y ago

As a Freemason I can assure you the I have no more power than any other citizen anywhere else. Yes, it is true that many powerful men have been Freemasons and the United States was founded, largely, by Masons. If you know the fraternity this would not be surprising as it attracts good men that have a desire to improve themselves and the world at large. Being a Mason does not entitle you to any special treatment or impart you with any more power than a member of the Elk's club or Rotary international would have.

More Presidents have been Boy Scouts then Masons, and nobody is saying that the B.S.A. is somehow controlling the world or grooming men to be placed in powerful positions. I have studied many or the conspiracy theories regarding Freemasonry, and they are all unfounded. In order to become a Mason you have to promise to obey the laws of your country and never take part in any subversive actions against your country. Many of the stuff that Masonry is accused of being or doing would go against the core values of what the fraternity is about, and if it was practiced by a mason disciplinary action would be taken against him.

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10y ago

A fairy did it with a magic wand. If you believe that the Freemasons are "so powerful", you'll believe that too.

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