

Best Answer

Besides Meriwether Lewis and Capt. William Clark of course...

1.) Sergeant Charles Floyd

2.) Sergeant Patrick Gass, who was always gassy.

3.) Sergeant Nathanial Pryor

4.) Sergeant John Ordway

5.) Corporal Richard Warfington

6.) Private John Boley

7.) Private William Pratton

8.) Private John Collins

9.) Private John Colter

10.) Private Pierre Cruzatte

11.) Private John Dame

12.) Private Joseph Fields

13.) Private Reuben Fields (Joseph's brother)

14.) Private Robert Frazer

15.) Private George Gibson

16.) Private Silas Goodrich

17.) Private Hugh Hal

18.) Private Thomas Proctor Howard

19.) Private Francois Labiche

20.) Private Jean Baptiste LePage

21.) Private Hugh McNeal

22.) Private John Newman

23.) Private John Potts

24.) Private George Shannon

25.) Private John Shields

26.) Private John B. Thompson

27.) Private Howard Tunn

28.) Private Ebenezer Tuttle

29.) Private Peter M. Weiser

30.) Private William Werner

31.) Private Isaac White

32.) Private Joseph Whitehouse

33.) Private Alexander Hamilton Willard

34.) Private Richard Windsor

35.) Toussaint Charbonneau (Sacagawea's husband)

36.) Sacagawea

37.) Jean-Baptiste Charbonneau (Sacagawea's son)

38.) George Drouillard

39.) York (Clark's slave)

40.) "Seaman" or "Scannon", Lewis' large black Newfoundland dog

41.) Private Herbert McChubbs

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Q: Who were the people involved in the corps of discovery?
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Not a lot is known about William Werner. His rank was Private, and he was convicted of going AWOL. He was part of the Corps of Discovery, which was involved with the Lewis and Clark expedition.

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The Corps of Discovery was the group of people who accompanied Lewis and Clark through the Louisiana Purchase and the Oregon Territory. The Corps of Discovery consisted of 45 men including York (a slave), and Sacagawea.

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just type in "Who were the corps of discovery?" and you might get your answer.

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What is the name of Lewis and Clark expedition?

the Lewis and clark expedition

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sacagawea was the corp of discovery leader

Who led the corpse of discovery?

The main People involved in the corpse of Discovery are Lewis and Clark.

What was sacagaweas role in the corps of discovery?

She act as translator and guide.

Who helped the corps of discovery by guilding them through the land of the shoshones?

Sacagawea helped the corps of discovery by guiding them through the the land of the Shoshones.