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Q: Who were the first people to live in communities?
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What is economic union and communities?

they are the people that run tour state and people that live in it

What is a way you can use communities in a sentence?

Communities provide support and a sense of belonging to their members through shared values and goals.

How did people live in ice age communities?

People lived in ice age communities by building little houses or shelters and would hunt for food

Were do people live in Mexico?

In Mexico's cities, as well as many rural communities.

Similarities among the communities live in?

Similarities among the communities live in

Did the first people grow up together?

It is likely that the first people did live and grow up together in small communities or tribes for survival and support. This allowed them to share knowledge, resources, and skills necessary for their survival and adaptation to their environment.

Why people live in communities?

People live in communities for various reasons including companionship, support, safety, shared resources, and social interaction. Communities offer a sense of belonging and connection to others, fostering a sense of identity and collective well-being. Additionally, living in communities can provide opportunities for collaboration, shared experiences, and a shared sense of purpose.

Why did hobbes feel that an absolute government was the best?

it was the way for people to live in peaceful communities

What development first helped people shape their communities?

The development of agriculture was one of the first developments that helped people shape their communities. This allowed people to settle in one place, form communities, and establish more permanent structures for living. Agriculture also enabled population growth, specialization of labor, and the establishment of social hierarchies within communities.

Many people live in communities along the coast how do you think the ocean effects their lives?


Who were the first people to live in Florida?

the first people to live in Florida were native Americans.

Why do penguins live in communities?

Penguins live in communities for warmth. When it gets really cold they can huddle up together, and they find their mate in their communities.