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Q: Which would be considered a significant social effect of the first great awakening?
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What would be the considered a significant social effect of the first great awakening?

the colonists began to challenge the hieralchicar structureof existing religious denominations.

What significant social impact did the Great Awakening have in eighteenth-century Colonial America?

The social impact that the Great awakening had in 18th century colonial America was that it opened the doors of some white churches. The churches were now opened to African Americas and Indians.

Why is Arthur Miller considered a social dramatist?

his plays deal with significant social issues the entire society grapples with.

Arthur Miller is considered a social dramatist because of what?

his plays deal with significant social issues the entire society grapples with.

What can you infer from the fact that this period is called the second great awakening?

The term "Second Great Awakening" suggests that there was a previous significant religious revival in American history, known as the First Great Awakening. It implies that the Second Great Awakening was a period of renewed religious fervor and social reform that followed a period of declining religious interest or activity.

Arthur Miller is considered a social dramatist because?

A.his plays deal with significant social issues the entire society grapples with.

What was the of significance of the second great awakening for the social reform movements of the 19th century?

The Second Great Awakening was an inspiration and organizing force for subsequent social movements.

What was the social impact of the great awakening?

The social impact of the great awakening drew people of different regions,classes,and races.

What did the second great awakening deal with?

The Second Great Awakening was a religious revival movement in the early 19th century that emphasized personal spiritual awakening and salvation through faith. It played a significant role in shaping American religious and social life by promoting religious enthusiasm, moral reform, and social activism. The movement led to the rise of new Christian denominations and increased participation of women and African Americans in religious activities.

How were the Social Gospel and the Second Great Awakening similar?

both were led by social conservatives

What was one effect of the great awakening in the middle colonies?

One effect of the Great Awakening in the middle colonies was the promotion of religious diversity and tolerance as people were encouraged to pursue personal connections with God outside of traditional church structures. This movement also led to increased social activism and a push for moral reform in society.

What was a major result of second great awakening?

One major result of the Second Great Awakening was a significant increase in religious participation and the growth of new religious denominations in the United States. This religious revival also contributed to social reform movements such as abolitionism, temperance, and women's rights.