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Q: Which persuasive device is used in the sentence Join the millions of people who already have one?
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What is a persuasive device?

appeal to the audience's emotions

What is the subject in the sentence - here is the device?

The subject in the sentence "here is the device" is "device."

What is a kind of persuasive device that opposes or disproves a statement?

A type of persuasive device that opposes or disproves a statement is called a rebuttal. In an argument or debate, a rebuttal is used to counter or disprove the points made by the opposition. It aims to weaken the opponent's argument by presenting conflicting evidence or reasoning.

Which persuasive device gives the reader only two choices?

The persuasive device that gives the reader only two choices is called a false dilemma or black-and-white fallacy. It presents an argument as if there are only two options when there may actually be other alternatives or nuances that have not been considered.

What are the 6 device of persuasive rhetoric?

The six devices of persuasive rhetoric are ethos (credibility), pathos (emotion), logos (logic), kairos (timing), metaphor (figurative language), and rhetorical questions (questions that provoke thought).

What is another name for persuasive devices?

A persuasive device is a rhetorical or literary device that is used with the intention to persuade the audience to believe the author's argument. There are many different persuasive devices, most of which are categorized as either ethical, logical, or emotional appeals.

Which rhetorical device does this sentence best exemplify?

It's important to provide the sentence in order to determine the rhetorical device being used.

How do you use both device and devise in a sentence?

Devise is the verb, while device is the noun. We will devise a device for that purpose.

How do you use rhetoric in a sentence?

If you mean how to use the word 'rhetoric' in a sentence, you could say 'His words were just empty rhetoric,' meaning he was just full of hot air and no substance. If you mean how to use a rhetorical device (or figure of speech) in a sentence, a good example is JFK's famous line, "And so my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.' This is a device called Chiasmus, where the words in one phrase or clause are reversed in the next, i.e 'country ... you' becomes 'you ... country.'

How can i use device in a sentence?

An iPod touch is an electronical device that many kids are addicted to.

What is the effect of a tricolon?

A tricolon is a rhetorical device that adds rhythm and emphasis to a statement by using three parallel phrases or clauses. It can enhance the memorability and impact of a message, making it more persuasive or compelling to the audience.

How do you use the word device in a sentence?

The scientists were not certain that their device would work correctly. Mistaken identity is a common plot device in mysteries.