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Juliette Gordon Low is honored with a medallion on the Extra Mile Points of Light Volunteer Pathway in Washington, DC. Juliette's Medallion is listed as number 18. Her medallion is probably located along 15th Street NW, between Pennsylvania Avenue NW and G Street NW.

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Q: Where is the Extra Mile medallion for Juliette Gordon Low?
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"Going the Extra Mile" means that taking whatever you're taking one step further. For example, during school and if there is extra credt offered, "going the extra mile," would mean doing the extra credit. Even if it optional.

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"Tagalog extra mile" describes going above and beyond what is required or expected. It means exerting extra effort or doing more than what is typically done to achieve a certain goal or satisfy a need.

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"Going the Extra Mile" means that taking whatever you're taking one step further. For example, during school and if there is extra credt offered, "going the extra mile," would mean doing the extra credit. Even if it optional.

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If you believe you have earned that "Going The Extra Mile" badge, please contact Deb using her message board.

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Drive - 2007 The Extra Mile 1-5 was released on: USA: 15 July 2007

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Just what you think - it's a figurative traveling idiom. You're "going" more than you might, as if you were traveling an extra mile.

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