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Q: What was the temperance movement and why were many of its leaders and proponents women?
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Frances Willard and Carrie Nation?

Frances Willard and Carrie Nation were both leaders in the Women's Suffrage Movement. They were also leaders of the Women's Christian Temperance Movement.

How did the temperance movement affected woman?

the temperance movement was the first issue women were involved with..

What movement did many Americans especially women join to defeat alcohol abuse?

That was the Temperance movement, popular around the last turn of the century.

What did the temperance movement recognize?

the equality of men and women

who was The 1879 leader of the Women's Christian Temperance Union?

Frances Willard was the leader of the Women's Christian Temperance Union in 1879. She was a prominent figure in the temperance movement and advocated for the prohibition of alcohol.

Why did many women join the temperance movement?

She joined the temperance movement, because she was against alchol and wanted it to be illeagal in the United States. She was for women and children who suffered abuse from their drunk fathers or husbands

Who worked in the temperance and antislavery movements and built the women's movement into a national movement?

Susan B. Anthony

My father was a temperance movement later I became a leader and education I strongly supported ambition but thought that women should not lead in that movement who am I?

Lyman Beecher was the father of the temperance movement in the United States. He co-founded the American Temperance Society, and was a Presbyterian minister.

How and why did the temperance movement win this battle?

The temperance movement was a campaign to moderate the use of alcohol. This movement was fueled by women who learned the after effects of alcohol on their children. The movement stuck fear in a lot of people which helped push it along.

Who is Kate Shepard?

Kate Shepard Was A Leader Of The Women's Suffrage Movement In New Zealand. She And The Members Of The Women's Temperance Movement Won The Vote For Women In New Zealand

What were the main reform movements in which many women participated?

Is this about US History? If so, good examples from the 19th century include the Abolitionist movement, aimed at abolishing slavery. Another is the temperance movement, with strong leadership from the Women's Christian Temperance Union, and another is the women's suffrage movement seeking voting rights for women. In the 20th century, the Civil Rights Movement, the feminist movement and the anti-abortion movement are good examples (the latter two frequently opposed each other).

What is the Women's Christian temperance league?

The Women's Christian Temperance Union is a social movement advocating for the moderation or total abstinence from alcohol, typically led by women. It was a prominent force in the temperance movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the United States and other countries. This organization advocated for various social reforms and was influential in the passing of Prohibition in the United States.