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Juliette Gordon Lowe started a Girl Guide troop near her home in Scotland and two Girl Guide troops in London before she decided to bring Girl Guiding to the United States.

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Q: What was the first troop Juliette Gordon Low made up?
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Related questions

What did Juliette Gordon Low draw?

Juliette Gordon Low drew many things, including the designs for the metal gate she made. She drew her family and her pets. She made paper dolls and illustrated a childhood newspaper.

Who made Girl Scouts and why?

Juliette Gordon low made girl scouts to help people,places and things

What did Juliette Gordon Low contribute to the world?

Juliette Gordon Low was the founder of Girl Scouts of the USA. Juliette Gordon Low was the daughter of William Washington Gordon and Eleanor Kinzie Gordon. She married William Mackay Low, a wealth Englishman. After Willie died, Juliette traveled and met Sir Robert Baden-Powell the founder of Boy Scouts. Sir Robert Baden-Powell encouraged Juliette to become involved in the starting Girl Guide troops in Scotland and London, England and then Juliette brought the Girl Guide movement to the United States in 1912.

Where did Juliette Gordon Low live growing up?

The Juliette Gordon Low Birthplace is a national Girl Scout center located in Savannah, Georgia and is the home where Juliette Low was born. Girl Scout troops travel to the Birthplace and participate in fun programs and learn about Juliette. The house was built for Savannah's mayor, James Moore Wayne in 1818. The Gordon family bought the house in 1831. Because of this, the house is known as "The Wayne Gordon House". In 1942 the house was made into apartments. In 1953, the house was purchased by the Girl Scouts of the USA, restored, and opened to the public in 1956.

Did Juliette Gordon Low have any children?

Yes, Juliette Gordon Low had many friends. Her family was well-known in Savannah, Georgia and in Chicago, Illinois. Juliette also had many friends she made during her days at boarding and finishing school. Juliette also traveled and made many friends during her travels, including Sir Robert Baden-Powell and his wife and sister.

What caused Juliette Gordon Low's ear infections?

Juliette Gordon Low suffered from chronic ear infections. At the age of 25, Juliette persuaded the doctor to try an experimental treatment for ear infections, an injection of silver nitrate. This treatment damaged her ear, causing her to lose a great deal of her hearing in that ear. On her wedding day, a piece of rice became lodged in Juliette's other ear. Since Juliette was leaving on her honeymoon, she did not want to take the time to see a doctor. The rice festered in her ear and became infected so that, by the time she finally went to a doctor, the instrument used to remove the rice made her deaf in that ear.

How do you cash a check that's made out to a girl scout troop?

Troop: (then their troop #) ex: Troop 1694

Where did Juliette Gordon Low love to go?

Juliette Gordon Low loved to travel many places. She loved to visit family in Chicago, Illinois. She had family and friends all around the United States whom she loved to visit. Juliette also loved to travel in Europe. She had homes in London, England and in Scotland. She had family and many friends in Europe. She also made one tour of India.

Was Juliette Gordon Low - the founder of Girl Scouts of the USA - poor during childhood?

Juliette Gordon Low enjoyed standing on her head. She stood on her head every year for her birthday! She enjoyed the arts and would write and act in plays. She also played tennis and was a swimmer. Juliette had two nick names. One was "Little Ship" because she was so much like her great-grandmother who had been nick named "Little Ship Under Full Sail" by the Seneca Indians who had captured her and later let her return home. Juliette's other nick name was "Daisy". When she was born, her uncle exclaimed "That's a Daisy!" There is a story about pulling taffy. One of Daisy's cousins thought the taffy was the same color as her hair so they braided the taffy into Daisy's hair. Since taffy is so sticky, the only way to remove the taffy was to cut her hair very short, which was not very fashionable for females in those days! There are more stories about Juliette Gordon Low's experiences at the GSUSA web site. See Related Links for the link to Juliette's Biography and then click on the Interactive Video photo at the top of the web page.

Where did Juliette Gordan Low go to school?

There is little information about the specific years Juliette Gordon Low attended school. The Stuart Hall School web site notes that Juliette Gordon Low attended the Virginia Female Institute (now Stuart Hall School) for two years starting in 1874 at the age of 13. Juliette then went to attend finishing school in New York, make her debut into society (most girls in those days made their societal debut at the age of 16), then was presented to Queen Victoria in England.

What made it difficult for Lafayette and his troop in Virginia?

The Virginians were not very helpful

Who made slamball?

Mason Gordon