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It goes over the right shoulder with the point at your left hip.

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Q: What shoulder does your Boy Scout sash go over?
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Related questions

What is the difference between the Boy Scout sash and neckerchief?

The sash goes around one shoulder and down to the waist. Merit badges are attached to it. The neckerchief goes around the neck and has a ring clasp to keep it snug.

What do you wear to a BSA Court of Honor?

If you are a Boy Scout you should wear your full Boy Scout uniform. A Boy Scout shirt and merit badge sash should be sufficient. If you have an Order of the Arrow sash you may also wear that. If you are part of the audience or parent of a Boy Scout at a Court of Honor you can dress casually or professionally. It is completely up to you.

How do you place merit badges on the sash?

The Boy Scouts of America has a few rules for the merit badge sash. These are summarized from the Insignia Guide[linked] and from[linked]:The merit badge sash is available in 30 and 36 inch lengthsMerit badges are worn on the front of the sashThe Varsity Letter with earned pins and bars may be worn on the bottom front corner of the sashAdditional merit badges and temporary insignia may be worn on the back of the sashThe sash is worn over the right shoulder and is never worn folded through the beltThe merit badge sash and the Order of the Arrow sash may not be worn at the same timeOnly one merit badge sash may be wornThe merit badge sash may be affixed to the shoulder loop with a the merit badge sash pin available from the Scout ShopThe Insignia Guide has no rules on how merit badges are placed. The sash is wide enough to attach merit badges three across.

Where does the Eagle Scout shoulder patch go?

Some Boy Scouts of America councils sell a special council shoulder patch for Eagle Scouts. The council shoulder patch is worn in the top position on the left shoulder.

Should the Boy Scout do the scout sign during national atheme singing?

If in a scout uniform, the boy scout should do the scout salute. If in any other clothes, that scout should stand, and place their right hand over their heart, and remove any head wear.

Where is Boy Scout logo from?

what country is the boy scout logo from?

Was David Archuleta a boy scout?

yes he was in a boy scout

How do you say peace out Boy Scout in french?

Salut, boy-scout. or Ciao! Boy scout. It can be ironic, like in English.

Is it OK for a Boy Scout to lie?

Category:ScoutingFrom The Boy Scout Handbook, Boy Scouts of America:A Scout is trustworthy. A Scout tells the truth. He is honest, and he keeps his promises. People can depend on him.

How do you dress a boy as girl scout?

Put a boy in a girl scout unifrom

What is the command for dismissal for Boy Scout?

the command is dismiss for the dismissal of the boy scout.

When was Boy Scout Handbook created?

Boy Scout Handbook was created in 1910.