The word 'fellowmen' is a plural, common, abstract noun; a word for other members of the human race.
The noun 'kind' is an abstract noun. There is no form for kind that is a concrete noun.
The noun 'kind' is an abstact noun as a word for a type or class. The abstract noun form of the adjective "kind" is "kindness".
The word 'kind' is both an adjective and a noun. The noun kind, a singular, common, abstract noun is a word for a group of individuals or instances sharing common traits; a category.The noun forms for the adjective kind are kindness and kindliness.
It's no kind of noun it is an adjective. The noun is ravenousness.
The the noun 'kind' is an abstract noun as a word for type or class; having similar characteristics.The abstract noun for kind is kindness.
It isn’t a noun at all. Replaces a noun.
The noun "street" is a common noun.
The noun "sugar" is a common noun.
A common noun
by slaying and beheading Medusa and saving Andromeda
She is a noun.
Proper noun